[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

I’m not shading you as I’m townreading you. I’m simply pointing out that your FM skills are lacking, and the fact that you thought that this was shade further proves this point.

I’m disappearing because I have other stuff I’m doing besides playing FM???

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Apprentice Alice, Braixen, Arete, Wiisp 4/9
SirDerpsAlot KyoDaz, DryBones 2/9
Wiisp SirDerpsAlot 1/9
katze Marshal 1/9
Arete Napoleon, katze 2/9
Drybones sulit 1/9


/vote Apprentice

/vote Appel


both of you are basically competent players from what I’ve seen

if you are also both villagers and decide to spend this game insulting each other’s play this is going to be harmful to our ability to actually work together to solve the game

please stop



Sorry, I’m being arrogant as fuck, but seeing a blatantly obvious V player wagoned and then having me wagon because of bad reads is setting me off big-time.

/vote Appel

you are shading me
I dont care how big brained you are
dont question my experience
you didnt attack the play, you attacked the player
fuck off


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Votes are being flung everywhere it’s scary

No I wanna vote Appel too


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/vote Kyo

/vote Apprentice

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@Apprentice @Appelsiini

Why should people not think that you are scum?

Alice is more likelier to be town even if I hate how she went about things

/vote appel

Sorry, but that’s not shading.

The definition of shading is to cast suspicion on a player indirectly.

I’m not doing this as I’m repeatedly stating that you’re very likely villager, but your arguments are wrong.

hmm is it?
then you are just being an ass
my bad