[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Day 4 (7/16) -- Heretics and Traitor Win!

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Apprentice Arete, katze 2/9
Appelsiini sulit 1/9
SirDerpsAlot KyoDaz, DryBones, Wiisp 2/9
Wiisp SirDerpsAlot 1/9
Arete Napoleon 1/9
katze Marshal 1/9

My gut tells me your lonely.
Am I right?

people are all just like “no don’t kill kat they are literally my child”

and there aren’t good reasons

Katze ISO

Town Reads

  • KyoDaz

Scum Reads

  • Arete
  • Wazza
  • Napoleon
Arete ISO


The Blood Mage

Congregation Offensive
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Death (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will die immediately.
Collect Blood (Day) - Select a player and collect their blood. Members of the congregation give you pure blood, while members of the heretics and traitors give you corrupted blood. You can only target each player once. You won’t know what type of blood you collected. - Unlimited uses.
Drain Blood (Day) - Select between 2 and 4 players and collect blood from all of them. If you collect at least 1 stack of corrupted blood with this ability, all future blood you collect will become corrupted. You cannot select players that you have previously collected blood from. - 1 use.
Elixir of Blood (Night) - Drink the blood you’ve collected so far. The effects of this ability change depending on how many people you’ve collected pure blood from. If you have collected corrupted blood this ability will have no effect. You will lose all blood you’ve collected afterwards. Unlimited uses.

  • 1 stack of pure blood: Become immune to all negative effects tonight.
  • 2 stacks of pure blood: Become immune to death and negative effects tonight.
  • 3 stacks of pure blood: Become immune to death and negative effects and kill everyone that visits you tonight.
  • 4 or more stacks of pure blood: Become immune to death and negative effects and kill all Heretics or Traitors visiting you tonight.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

Town Reads

  • KyoDaz
  • Marshal
  • Wazza

[quote=“Arete, post:1039, topic:81237”]

  • Wisp
  • Drybones

Scum Reads

  • Napoleon
  • Apprentice

Posted this a while ago.

Katz interaction with Arete seems T/T
All of their reads are probably the opposite of what is actually happening

so tell me what makes Derp so low?

I have him slightly north of null rn. Katze is the kind of player that I’d rather wait a day or two before making any solid conclusions for the reason I said above.

Not sure why he’s being just globally townread here.

In this thread? Yes

/vote Marshal
Can we murder him already
He reeks of traitor


I don’t know what the VC is at

but this is definitely not correct

This post right here puts you as more lean Town to me.

someone correct me then

im inept at VC’s, apologies

Almost all my Arete votes are memes

I’d like to request we lynch Derps though

As me and Kyo are in them and we are both Town.

I mean I don’t know what exactly the accurate vote count is

but I know this isn’t right

Has Derps done anything this match?

well I am voting derp, and you decided to make two wagons instead of adding me to the existing one lol

I mean I think he voted Napoleon

I’m voting Marshal now.
He’s probably scum. I don’t think Town would’ve claimed Blood Mage there.

if you think your vote is something different from where it was when my most recent VC was posted, let me know and i’ll adjust that post