[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Signups Closed

or it’s the exact opposite and the wolves are the most powerful team ever conceived

As long as it dosent seem Absolutely broken just go with it

either way glgl


classcards are coming now and the game will then begin in a new thread.

Me marshal Katze Wisp


You are tempring me.

be me
so townie
that even a red check on me doesnt get me lynched
until a i have a breakdown, and lynch myself

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If I post pic of me in maid outfit, do I get an in? :^)

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i can’t let you play unless someone asks to out so you can play . . .
you can backup though, pic or no pic

Anyways, Silence! The rolecards are coming starting right now.

When I am done, the game will begin in a new thread.

No more talking here!

All classcards have been sent. The game will begin iminently in a new thread.

If you would like to be added to the backup or spectator list at any time, please create a DM thread with this post as the OP source of such thread, and add Astand and Me to that thread.

I’ve actually ran out of new topics, so the game will not begin until the system lets me create another one, in a little over one hour.

Do not speak until then regarding or in this game, except within your own classcard.

(psst…you could ask players who haven’t received one to make a pm with you)

no all players have gotten theirs by now. I just ran out of new topics right before being able to make the game thread. I will make the game thread and start the game as soon as I’m able in ~25 minutes.