[FM] Ritual Mafia IV -- Signups Closed

:skull: Welcome to Ritual Mafia IV :skull:

In Ritual mafia The Congregation (town faction) must fight against The Heretics (mafia faction) in order to gain the favor of their gods. How do you gain their favor? By sacrificing your own teammates on a ritual, of course!

All credit for the creation of this setup (which is identical to Ritual Mafia III) as well as the approval to use it here goes to @psychoneirik. Thank you again; it really is a great one haha.

Co-Hosted by: @N.1 and @astand

:skull: Rules :skull:

  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. If you haven’t posted in the thread or in your classcard for a while you will be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 24 hours, you will be force replaced.
  3. No private messaging others in the game about the game.
  4. No angleshooting. This includes any attempt to gain info about the game from external sources.
  5. Do not screenshot or quote private host messages
  6. While the nature of the game can make it easy to accidentally screw up your own faction, intentionally throwing the game is against the rules.
  7. Players are not allowed to use big letters. These are reserved for the host.
  8. Do not post in the main thread or like posts if you are dead or not in the game.
  9. Remember: its a game so have fun!

If you want to spectate, you must follow these rules:

  1. Do not share information about the game in any way.
  2. Do not post in the main thread
  3. Do not give likes to posts in the main thread
  4. If you want to discuss the game do it in the spectator chat. Any discussion outside of it is not allowed.

:skull: Gameplay :skull:

  • Day is divided in two phases: Ritual Phase and Lynch Phase
  • There won’t be a Ritual phase on Day 1.
  • Ritual Phase lasts 24 hours
  • During the Ritual phase people are able to vote for a person to sacrifice. The person with the highest amount of votes at the end of the phase will be sacrificed and their Ritual abilities will trigger.
  • Ritual votes are done privately through your classcards.
  • Someone will always be sacrificed during this phase, and if there is a draw or no one gets any votes then it will be decided by RNG.
  • “The Ritual was interrupted” message means that the player’s ritual abilities were prevented from triggering because of an ability.
  • Self-voting is allowed in both Ritual and Lynch phases.
  • Lynch Phase lasts 48 hours or until majority is reached.
  • Voting /nolynch is a valid option, and if majority is reached the day will end without a lynch.
  • You can submit the target(s) of your ritual effects at any point in time before you are sacrificed so the ritual effects take place immediately.
  • Players have until the end of the next night to submit their ritual effects. (Ritual of Leadership must be submitted before the lynch phase ends or it will be lost)
  • If the sacrificed player hasn’t picked their targets on time their ritual ability will be skipped. If said player is a heretic, other heretics will be able to choose a target for them. Ritual of initiation cannot be skipped this way, and if no one picks a convert target for any reason it will be picked randomly.
  • During the Lynch phase people are able to vote for a person to lynch. Once the majority has voted said person, they will be lynched. Edit from Ritual Mafia III: EoD Plurality is now enabled as well as majority. If there is a tie vote at EoD, the lynch will be randed.
  • Nights will be 24 hours long
  • During the night you can submit your actions through your class card.
  • The Heretics have a factional kill. One of them can perform it once per night instead of their normal abilities.
  • Soul Rip, Dark Portal and Mask of Death count as the factional kill and only one of those abilities may be used on the same night. You cannot perform the factional kill on a night where someone uses one of those abilities.
  • You cannot target yourself with an ability unless stated otherwise.
  • Players can only use one day ability each day and one night ability each night, unless stated otherwise.
  • The Heretics will have a day/night chat.
  • The most recent version of your logs will be shown when you die.
  • You can submit deathnotes on kills. These can be text or pictures.
  • There can be a maximum of 3 of each non-unique classes.
  • There will be limited feedback. Most classes will only get “You died” as feedback. The exceptions are the following:
List of night results

If you use an investigative ability and you are redirected (you will not know who you are redirected to): You were forced to target someone else.
If an investigative ability or an ability that usually gives feedback fails because of occupation/prevention: You were unable to perform your action.
If a Martyr uses Penitence for the second time on a target: Your target’s class type is [class type].
If you receive a private message because of the Confession day ability: Someone sent you an anonymous message [message].
If a Medium uses Seance on a dead player: You got the following message from your Seance: [message].
If a Diviner uses Divination and the player is not suspicious: Your target is not suspicious.
If a Diviner uses Divination and the player is suspicious: Your target is a member of the Heretics!
If one or more of your targets are Heretics when using Diviner’s Change of Faith: “At least one of your targets is a member of the Heretics!”
If none of your targets are Heretics when using Diviner’s Change of Faith: “None of your targets are members of the Heretics”
If you successfully predict a death with Oracle’s Prediction: You gained 1 extra use of All-seeing Eye.
If you use Clairvoyance on a player that didn’t visit anyone: Your target didn’t visit anyone last night.
If you use Clairvoyance on a player that visited someone: Your target visited [Player(s)] last night.
If an Oracle uses Vision on a player that wasn’t visited by anyone: No one visited your target last night.
If an Oracle uses Vision on a player that was visited by someone: Your target was visited by [Player(s)] last night.
If an Oracle uses All-seeing Eye on a player: Your target is the [Class].
If you get a new ability from a Ritual: You have gained a new ability: [ability description]

:skull: Other mechanics and interactions :skull:

Other mechanics/interactions
  • Conflicting abilities will be cancelled. For example, two Enchanters trying to redirect the same player to different targets would cause said player to not be redirected at all.
  • Enchanter can only redirect targeted abilities.
  • Dying because of Voodoo Link counts as a suicide.
  • Self-killing or suicide abilities cannot be healed or prevented in any way except being occupied or by Voodoo Link.
  • Traitors can also be converted with “Ritual of Initiation”. This will change their class to a Heretic class of the same type and add them to the “Heretics” chat.
  • If you are prevented from visiting one of your “Change of Faith” targets you will not be notified and get a result based on the remaining players.
  • If you are redirected during “Change of Faith” you will know you were redirected, but not to which player and get a result based on the new target.
  • If an enchanter redirects an ability that targets more than 1 player, only the first target will be redirected.
  • Martyr’s Penitence changes effect when used on a target, whether it was successful or not.
  • If your limited use ability fails for any reason you will still spend an use.
  • If a Chanel Spirit’s target is changed the ability will fail.
  • A target of Channel Spirit will not get notified when the effect ends due to conversion.
  • The medium will visit the targets of the channeled spirit.
  • If the last Heretic is sacrificed, Town will NOT win, since the conversion triggers immediately (unless their Ritual abilities are disabled somehow).
  • If two Witch Doctors use voodoo link on each other and one of them dies, then both will die.

:skull: Class Cards :skull:

The Congregation

The Witch Doctor

Congregation Support
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Eternal Youth (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, you may select up to two players. They cannot be the target of votes or abilities until the end of the night.
Healing Spell (Night) - Heal a player from attacks. Unlimited uses.
Voodoo Link (Night) - Permanently link yourself to another player. If they would die by any means except being sacrificed you will die in their place. (Includes being lynched, suicide and other deaths that cannot normally be healed or prevented) - 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Exorcist

Congregation Support
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Purification (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a player. They will gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities.
Purify (Night) - Select a player. They will be immune to all negative effects tonight except death. Unlimited uses.
Exorcise (Night) - Select a player. They will lose their ritual abilities for tomorrow. 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Conjurer

Congregation Offensive
Focus (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Lockdown (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select up to two players. They cannot vote or use abilities until the end of the night.
Dazing Spell (Night) - Prevent a player from performing their night action. Unlimited uses.
Spirit Chains (Night) - Permanently chain a player. The next time they would use a limited use ability, they will be occupied. (Also works on day abilities). Bypasses occupation immunity. 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Enchanter

Congregation Offensive
Focus (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Chaos (Ritual) - The first time you would be sacrificed you will survive.
Mind Control (Night) - Force a player to target another. Can force them to target you, but not themselves. Unlimited uses.
Lure (Night) - Force a player to use one of their special abilities on a target of your choice (Can force them to target you, but not themselves). Bypasses redirection immunity. Doesn’t work on Investigative classes. This will not consume an use of their ability and they will not be notified. (This will prevent them from using any night action they were planning to use). 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

Effects of Lure depending on the class
  • Witch Doctor: Force them to use Voodoo Link on your target. A witch doctor can have multiple Voodoo links this way.
  • Exorcist: Both the exorcist and your target will lose their ritual abilities.
  • Conjurer: Your target will be chained. They will be occupied the next time they try to use their limited use abilities.
  • Enchanter: No effect
  • Martyr: Martyr will die and heal everyone else.
  • Blood Mage: Blood mage will collect blood from your target and use “Elixir of Blood”.
  • Inquisitor: The first person they vote will be sacrificed/lynched. The Inquisitor will reveal themselves as soon as this happens, making any abilities from Congregation members targeting the Inquisitor to fail.
  • Diviner: No effect
  • Oracle: No effect
  • Shaman: If either The Shaman or your target would be sacrificed in tomorrow’s ritual the other will be sacrificed instead.
  • Sorcerer: Everyone’s Ritual abilities will be disabled tomorrow.
  • Seer: No effect
  • Elementalist: Prevent all members of the Congregation from visiting your target.
  • Lamb: No effect
  • Ritualist: Ritualist will attack your target.

The Martyr

Congregation Support
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Penitence (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select up to three players and give each of them one of the following abilities:

Contrition (Day) - Select a player, they will be healed tonight. 1 use.
Confession (Day) - Send an anonymous message to a player. 1 use.
Penance (Day) - Select a player, they will be occupied tonight. 1 use.

Penitence (Night) - Select a player. The effects of this ability are different depending on how many times you have used it on the same player. Unlimited uses.

  • First time: Contrition - Heal your target.
  • Second time: Confession - Check your target’s class type.
  • Three or more times: Penance - Attack the player.

Absolution (Night) - Kill yourself in order to heal everyone else. 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Blood Mage

Congregation Offensive
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Death (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will die immediately.
Collect Blood (Day) - Select a player and collect their blood. Members of the congregation give you pure blood, while members of the heretics and traitors give you corrupted blood. You can only target each player once. You won’t know what type of blood you collected. - Unlimited uses.
Drain Blood (Day) - Select between 2 and 4 players and collect blood from all of them. If you collect at least 1 stack of corrupted blood with this ability, all future blood you collect will become corrupted. You cannot select players that you have previously collected blood from. - 1 use.
Elixir of Blood (Night) - Drink the blood you’ve collected so far. The effects of this ability change depending on how many people you’ve collected pure blood from. If you have collected corrupted blood this ability will have no effect. You will lose all blood you’ve collected afterwards. Unlimited uses.

  • 1 stack of pure blood: Become immune to all negative effects tonight.
  • 2 stacks of pure blood: Become immune to death and negative effects tonight.
  • 3 stacks of pure blood: Become immune to death and negative effects and kill everyone that visits you tonight.
  • 4 or more stacks of pure blood: Become immune to death and negative effects and kill all Heretics or Traitors visiting you tonight.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Medium

Unique Congregation Social
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Souls (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed all dead Congregation members will be able to use their unlimited use night abilities tonight. (Doesnt work on Diviner, Oracle or Blood Mage)
Seance (Night) - Select a dead player. They will be able to send you a message of up to 1000 characters. Unlimited uses.
Channel Spirit (Night) - Select a dead player. They will be able to use their unlimited use night abilities through you, however you will be unable to use your Seance ability for the rest of the game. The effect ends if you die or are converted. 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Minister

Unique Congregation Social
Vulnerable (Passive) - Attacks against you will bypass healing.
Ritual of True Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the game.
Reveal (Day) - Reveal as the Minister in order to make your votes count as 4 for the current phase, but your Ritual abilities will be permanently disabled. Can be used on either the Ritual or Lynch phases. - 1 use.
Preach (Night) - Send an anonymous message to the whole court at the beginning of the next day. - Unlimited uses.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Diviner

Congregation Investigative
Undercover (Passive) - You appear as a Seer to all investigative abilities. You will appear to visit whoever the heretics attack each night to the oracle’s “Clairvoyance” (won’t affect other tracking abilities).
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Truth (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a player. The court will be told if said player is a member of the Heretics (Traitors will always appear “not suspicious”).
Divination (Night) - Check if a player is part of the Heretics. Traitors appear not suspicious. Unlimited uses
Change of Faith (Night) - Select up to three players and check if at least one of them is a Heretic. If a Heretic or Traitor isn’t lynched tomorrow you will commit suicide. - 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Oracle

Congregation Investigative
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Clairvoyance (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a player. They will gain the following day ability:

Vision (Day) - Select a player. At the end of the night, you will know who visited them - 2 uses.

Clairvoyance (Night) - Select a player. You will know who they visited. - Unlimited uses.
All-seeing eye (Night) - If you die tonight, you will announce to the court who visited you. - 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

The Heretics

The Shaman

Heretics Support
Chosen One (Passive) - If there is a draw during a sacrifice vote involving you or the target of your “Soul Exchange” you will be sacrificed. (If the draw involves both your target has priority)
Ritual of Initiation (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, convert a player into the Heretics. They will become the Heretic class of the same type as their old class (Social classes turn into “The Seer” instead. If you select a traitor they will also be converted into a heretic class of the same type).
Ritual of Power (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, the heretics will be able to use up to two factional kills tonight (must be performed by different players).
Body Swap (Night) - Select two players, anyone targeting one of them will instead target the other. Can target yourself. Unlimited uses
Soul Exchange (Night) - Select a player. If they would be sacrificed during the Ritual phase tomorrow you will be sacrificed instead, and if you would be sacrificed they will be sacrificed instead. 1 use.
Soul Rip (Night) - Attack a player, bypassing healing, occupation and redirection. - 1 uses. Counts as the factional kill.
Goal: Defeat the Congregation.

The Sorcerer

Heretic Offensive
Focus (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection, as long as you are not using the normal factional kill.
Ritual of Initiation (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, convert a player into the Heretics. They will become the Heretic class of the same type as their old class (social classes turn into “The Seer” instead. If you select a traitor they will also be converted into a heretic class of the same type).
Ritual of Sleep (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a class type (Support/Offensive/Social/Investigative). All Congregation players of said class type will be occupied tonight, bypassing immunity.
Binding Spell (Night) - Prevent a player from performing their night action and make them appear as a class of your choice to investigators. If targeted by “Clairvoyance” they will appear to have visited whoever the Heretics attack tonight. - Unlimited uses
Cleanse (Night) - Disable everyone’s Ritual abilities tomorrow, including The Heretics. 1 use.
Dark Portal (Night) - Occupy a player and attack everyone that visits them. - 1 uses. Counts as the factional kill.

Goal: Defeat the Congregation.

The Seer

Heretic Investigative
Invisibility Spell (Passive) - During the first day you may select a player (can target yourself or other heretics). Whenever they die by any means, their class and logs will be cleansed.
Ritual of Initiation (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, convert a player into the Heretics. They will become the Heretic class of the same type as their old class (social classes turn into “The Seer” instead. If you select a traitor they will also be converted into a heretic class of the same type).
Ritual of Omniscience (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select up to two players and reveal their classes to the Heretics.
Crystal Ball (Night) - Learn a player’s class type and who they visited last night. - Unlimited uses
Bad Omen (Night) - Select a player and guess their exact class. If you get it right you will permanently disable their Ritual abilities. If you get it wrong, your own Ritual abilities will be permanently disabled. (You are not notified whether you got it right or wrong). 1 use.
Mask of Death (Night) - Attack a player. If they are successfully killed, they will appear as a class of your choice, and you will be able to write fake logs. - 1 uses. Counts as the factional kill.

Goal: Defeat the Congregation.


The Elementalist

Traitor Support
Traitor (Passive) - You cannot be killed by the heretics’ night kill. You win with the Heretics, but you don’t know them and won’t join their night chat. You do not appear as a Heretic to investigators. If all heretics die you will turn into a heretic with a 1 use kill and no other abilities.
Morph (Passive) - If you visit a Heretic with any of your abilities you will join their night chat.
Ritual Knowledge (Passive) - Your ritual votes count as 2.
Ritual of Influence (Passive) - If you are sacrificed, the heretics will gain the following ability:

  • Secret Vote (Day) - Add 1 lynch vote to a player of your choice until the end of the day. - 1 use.

Elemental Ritual (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, all the Heretics will get 1 extra use of their limited use abilities.
Petrify (Night) - Occupy a player. - Unlimited uses.
Eye of Mist (Night) - Select a player and find out who visits them. - Unlimited uses.
Water Clone (Night) - Make a player appear as a class of your choice to investigators. - Unlimited uses.
Fire Rune (Night) - Prevent members of the Congregation from visiting a player tonight. - 3 uses.

Goal: Defeat the Congregation.

The Lamb

Traitor Social
Traitor (Passive) - You cannot be killed by the heretics’ night kill. You win with the Heretics but you won’t join their night chat. You do not appear as a Heretic to investigators. If all heretics die you will turn into a heretic with a 1 use kill and no other abilities.
Herd the Sheep (Passive) - Your Ritual abilities cannot be disabled. Ritual votes from members of the Congregation towards you count as two.
Ritual of Resonance (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, you will be told who the Heretics are and you will be able to continue using your “Void” ability while dead, and it will also prevent the target from voting during the lynch phase.
Ritual of Power (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, the heretics will be able to use up to two factional kills or similar abilities (must be performed by different players).
Ritual of Sleep (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a class type (Support/Offensive/Social/Investigative). All Congregation players of said class type will be occupied tonight, bypassing immunity.
Ritual of Omniscience (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select up to two players and reveal their classes to the Heretics.
Void (Night) - Select a player. Their votes on tomorrow’s ritual will secretly count as 0, unless they vote for you. They won’t be notified. - Unlimited uses.
Goal: Defeat the Congregation.

The Ritualist

Traitor Investigative
Traitor (Passive) - You cannot be killed by the heretics’ night kill. You win with the Heretics, but you don’t know them and won’t join their night chat. You do not appear as a Heretic to investigators. If all heretics die you will turn into a heretic with a 1 use kill and no other abilities.
Ritual Knowledge (Passive) - Your ritual votes count as 2.
Ritual of Influence (Passive) - If you are sacrificed, the heretics will gain the following ability:

  • Secret Vote (Day) - Add 1 lynch vote to a player of your choice until the end of the day. - 1 use.

Double Ritual (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a player. Sacrifice them and trigger their Ritual abilities (this counts as a normal ritual, so any abilities that affect rituals such as soul exchange will affect this as well).
Muting Spell (Day) - Select a player. Their Ritual vote will count as 0 for today. They won’t be notified. Can only be used during the Ritual phase - Unlimited uses.
Leader Voice (Day) - Gain 1 extra ritual vote today. Can be used on the same day as Muting Spell - 1 use.
Test of Spirit (Night) - Select a player. If they are a member of the Heretics you will know their class. This ability will always give you correct results. - Unlimited uses.
Soul Rip (Night) - Attack a player. - 0 uses. You gain a use each time a member of the Heretics is sacrificed on a ritual.

Goal: Defeat the Congregation.

:skull: Rolelist :skull:

12 Random Congregation
3 Heretics (1 of each)
1 Traitor (chosen by the player)

:skull: Players :skull:

  1. Wazza
  2. Marshal
  3. SirDerpsAlot
  4. Alice
  5. Napoleon
  6. katze
  7. Arete
  8. Italy
  9. Braixen
  10. Drybones
  11. Sulit
  12. Jgoesgaming
  13. KyoDaz
  14. Appelsini
  15. Apprentice
  16. Wiisp


  1. Amelia
  2. Vulgard
  3. Eevee???

Spectators (Fully uninformed but get private spectator-only chat, as usual. If you spectate, you can never backup in the future):

  1. Geyde
  2. Anstreim


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first is the worst

2nd is the best

1 Like

I may be in 3 games but you know what in damn tarnation I’ll sign up for another

shut up Texas is just British America.


time to die from too many games

1 Like

what no it isn’t
australia is british texas

That’s accurate, I’ll give you that.


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1 Like

lets see what all the hype is about




‘Arete don’t multitable in that many games’ no


time to hardclaim shaman :sunglasses:

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I’m gonna hardclaim Traitor d1 regardless of what role I get.


1 Like

quadruple multitabling
have at you

1 Like

texas is american australia actually


1 Like

oh no.
Not you…
Not you and I in a Ritual Mafia game together.

I’m having flashbacks.



Let’s do this!