[FM] Scales of Justice: Reroll Edition (Disgusting Town Victory)

Then again, you haven’t answered my question in the way I’d like.

You haven’t addressed any of my reads as inherently false or incorrect.

Explain this

I addressed me being scum on it as false, so you’ve just ignored my point there.

Gah words

Do you have any fault with any of the Townreads

Perhaps Mercenary for her self-meta, that was never addressed yesterday

er self shade

I feel that you are micro-reading that.

Town does incredibly stupid things from time to time, such as calling out how they play as a self-meta

But you’d happily let them continue to be townread after the fact?

Compare this to OWFM when I supposedly slipped as a Talon LW, I think only Alfa townread me after that.

In short I agree that town does stupid things sometimes, but if they’re going to do something scummy and get away with it without a push, then thats just asking for scum to play the fool

I townread them after they made that post.

This seems to slip that they didn’t know Squid was the nk

Or that they claimed doctor

It’s just too genuine to call staged

What does dled mean? @Mercenary


It’s further from dead and more close to did, considering the context

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So you think town!merc just completely disregarded how the wagon went to Meteoro on the previous day, didn’t look back at all to see why it changed and voted Squid again on D2?


Merc’s vote has always been on Squid.

Correct, I isoed blue to find that
