[FM] Scales of Justice: Reroll Edition (Disgusting Town Victory)

In the cookie thread the game that got broken integrity wise in Eevee game

I thought max outted themselves as town but that’s unfair to just punish max and not squid

Solution:Let max play and if anyone does it again it’s a blacklist

It was before that happened though maybe D1 or D2

That was partially due to me against my greatest enemy: mobile

Hold on, I was sure something else broke integrity of Eevee’s game

You didn’t break it, you bended it and someone broke it in a dead chat

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@Marluxion did you know your son Luxy was cop :eyes:

Here, this is the DMs that me and Eevee had which I was confused about



Being blamed for FE:H’s can is making me a little mad, Cat

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add me to scumchat if you are on pls

Wasn’t ninja scum there?

That wasn’t you. That was someone else.

More importantly everything you say outside the thread can be angle shot. I already told you about something on MU right?

There was nobody from here in that game besides me!

but say I subbed in

Anyone on here subbing into an MU game is unheard of.

Unheard of does not equal impossible

pretty sure flying was unheard of to the romans

also there may be a kitten at prom

just realized how wrong this sounds out of context

Like, I don’t see how the hell complaining of being replaced out is Alignment Indicative. I could have easily said it as any alignment

Funny enough it was before you complained about it