[FM] Scales of Justice: Reroll Edition (Disgusting Town Victory)

Squid,why don’t you use your second vote?

I already did -_-
I voted Watcher

What the hell happened to my cop vote?

You have 2 votes…

And I used them ^

@DatBird @michelle you should vote,d0 will end soon

So easily /vote cop. Now the other one is the hard choice for me. Because I liked Eevees plan from last time, but mafia could have predicted we would use that. And currently I’m the swing vote for doc vs watcher. That’s a lot of pressure

Doc Bois

Just going to say,if we use eevee’s strat,watcher will know cop,and even if mafia has a ninja cop will survive a few nights most likely.
But if we go cop+doc,doc doesn’t certaintly know cop,so cop may die to a ramdom kill

W a t c h e r b o y

Think I’m gonna go with my gut feeling and go doc. It’s like the normal set up and we can always do follow the cop. Also I feel like if watcher gets put in the wrong hands the whole plan can get screwed up. I feel doc is the safer of the two. You cant really screw up doctor like you can with watcher. /vote doc

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How can you screw with watcher throught?
If done correcly, watcher knows who cop is

They will have a ninja 100% of the time here meteoro.

Doc isn’t really safer, as they have to dochunt

Still, Watcher can’t find a Ninja and if there is one here, it would be devastating
/vote Doc

I can guarantee you scum chat went something like this depending on who rolled scum
“want to take strongman”
“no we can’t, we have to play around the watcher cop strat”
“ok let’s roll ninja instead”

It may be true,but does It really matter?
Unless cop outs,mafia should have a hard time finding cop

it does matter
watcher does nothing in that case whereas cop saves lives

Last game is my whole concern. The plan could have worked but it almost didnt. So like I like both ideas, it’s just which do we go with and idk I just feel like a doc is more likely to help

Not exactly. Mafia would have a 1/7 chance of finding out who the Cop which is a decent percentage for them

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