[FM] Scales of Justice: Reroll Edition (Disgusting Town Victory)

These are the sort of posts I use to pick up townreads


Itā€™s just SoC

What does that mean

Im not an FM expert geez

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Stream of Consciousness

Itā€™s posting off the top of my head

Yeah, I think its hard for scum to naturally fake that. I donā€™t think youā€™re at the level to do that yet


are you a firekitten alt :eyes:

No, Iā€™m a firehipposky alt

Not enough despacito here

Alt status denied :^)

No u

I think a trick with experienced scum such as FK and Alice is looking at their pushes, if they make sense in theory but are likely to be wrong in reality then they are likely scum

thinks back to Aliceā€™s push on Overthebin in NFoL

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/unvote if I hadnā€™t already


If you were quickhammered I would die inside

I donā€™t think Cloudie can be on the same team as Marl

I think itā€™s just mercā€™s vote on me for the moment

Marl also has his vote on you (?)

Not sure though

He does yeah, oof didnā€™t even realise I was at L-1

Minis are brutal

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I can say from experience from being in a ST with Marl that he hardly coaches

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Has he ever said why?