[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

/launch project 2-A


First off all. Stop being a dick.

Second of all. YeS sOmEoNe HaS aN aBiLiTy ThEy NeVeR kNoW.

Boom bye town


Hjasik has grown self-aware of his hyperpost meta. Now he hyperposts as both factions.

I wasnā€™t hyper posting compare my post count to here

Merc, why are you shadethrowing?
why is everybody shadethrowing

Hidden ability?

/Becomes a Valkyria


/spawn scp 682


Just outing facts.

Look, fake modkills are as fucking bastard as it gets. Itā€™s not even fun bastard.

Secondly, youā€™re jumping at physically impossible shadows instead of trying to catch wolves. Iā€™d call that being a moron.


I was not hyperposting

Post count there in several days isnā€™t nearly as high as here in 1 day or efol 2 where I was town

Why do you consider it in villageā€™s1 best intrests to poke a minor hole in an Innochildā€™s argument without even rejecting the main thrust of the argument; which is very simply that Hjasik is capable of posting what heā€™s posted as village but dosenā€™t have a substantial reason to bullshit an NK claim as wolf.

But seriously, Merc. Either youā€™re shadethrowing or you clearly havenā€™t quite grasped the fact that Iā€™m pretty much the only person you can trust.

Thanks Kitten

Arf arf

/vote Shadow

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Sorry I didnt have anything to say so I didnt say anthing also i am new not an alt

Wait I am getting upped

You were checked as mafia
Also whatā€™s color of your classcard

They do have substantial reason. Their survival. To pretend otherwise is ludicrous.