[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

Win really well

Lynch all liars
Go go go

And yes, me and Shadow are Masons.
And yes, the entire of MTF is a Masonry.
And no, Iā€™m not revealing everything else, because as mentioned there are two extremely strong PRs I still need to keep hidden.

I donā€™t believe a huge mason



guess we canā€™t play the game I was going to play

Game I was going to play


Alright Icibalus I had enough. Itā€™s honestly stupid. You have been suspecting me of being the deepcover ALL GAME. If I was deep cover I would have outted all those PRā€™e claims because they are far more valuable then me staying alive. When I started to suspect nerbins of being scum ici thought I was the deep cover more due to how wrong I was. Iā€™m kind of sick of this. I even claimed my role there but they still suspect me yes this is a power role claim but Iā€™m not going to say which one. I canā€™t explain why my gut is different this game to you beside it being different? The only other thing I can think of is how I pushed people just to see reactions:

Icibalus you told me you would deathtunnsl me this game if I outted this but I LITERALLY CANā€™T take it anymore. Itā€™s super annoying to be death tunneled by someone you know is town when itā€™s just based off of gut. Just stop Icibalus.

I even suggested to Vote Luna in the chat but you straight up ignored me so I had to say it in this chat. Itā€™s just straight up annoying. I even said it was a reaction test but you ignored it And the most annoying part here is how you literally said ā€œIā€™m not death tunneling you if you arenā€™t voting meā€ when you literally death tunneled me in the other chat basically, I kept wanting to work together but you kept denying it saying you canā€™t trust me.

Then I tried reaction testing him and you literally Told him in our chat that it was a reaction test. You want to know why I donā€™t believe ici cause Iā€™m in his chat

Iā€™m really frustrated today and itā€™s even more frustrating when ici is somehow mad and is ignoring me for Defending Myself? I literally pinged nerbins to get him to calm down but I did it in the wrong chat so

Not when they are confirmed IC

Nerbins and ShadowExtreme are lock clear,

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I donā€™t want to believe

I am not bullshitting, Math. I am a Mason/Innochild. That is my role, and so I can now be claimvigged.

You have to

Yeah I donā€™t believe you.

Reason being 23 people 4 masons

Scum would have to have 2 KPN a night to survive.

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ici he canā€™t think

itā€™s all a game

and I think the game is good

I have literally outed almost all of the information here, and I have nothing to gain from outing anything else.

I can do maths. You already lied once. You said so yourself. So far as I am concerned shadow needs content.

Then you are contradicting yourself.
You voted me before because I voted FK with a bad argument, and now this?
ā€¦yeah, you are contradicting yourself.

Shadow is probably village from his reactions, however heā€™s likely lying

I play chess. Youā€™re not even eyes looking at the board