[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

most of his post ping me as an innocent newbie who hasn’t play FM match much but are curious to join because of the flavour

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Accused Voters Votes
MathBlade Mercenary, Simon, Isaac 3/12
Magnus Sam17z, MathBlade 2/12
No Lynch Magnus 1/12

Nah. Don’t think so. Something weird is going on with Nerbins and Magnus for sure

So like I think i tend to agree with Light on the scumlean on Magnus due to the vote for no lynch, and the sheeping. Now as Boss pointed out he is new so he could just be an innocent newbie, so thats why i aint voting them just yet. I honestly town read you, because I can see your plight that you thought I was copying your role before but you now know more of the lore. I’m interested in Sam atm since they claimed checks, but it could just be FPS, who knows. Not really sure how to put that on the leans more than just interested in their future play. I tend to get a gut feeling on FKs play by now in these games and Im getting a gut vibe of town, but I’ll let you know if anything changes. Im disappointed that Maxwell hasnt said more other than hey guys and saying he wasnt scum. Boss seems townlean because very active and helping town.


are you saying that they both are scum or have a way to communicate to each other?

also i guess for now i dont have to RP so heavy but dont worry Chief Scientist Datbird will leave some more audio logs later

I am saying something is weird there and needs poking. Not sure which yet.

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It’s probably FPS from Sam. Mainly it’s kinda standard to push me and it’s more worrisome if I don’t get pushed. Sam was in the game where Squid claimed cop and I sorta went off on them too hard. cringes

gonna be doing some work, ill check in here every so often just @ me if u need anything immediately

/vote merc
She came commenting on game state and nothing relevant her next post is again comment on game state after what she sheeps providing no analysis and starts making sideline comments

hey hjasik, would you like a cup of 294?

Surprised she still haven’t been voted


She should have been voted for this alone since she did same thing in dustpan I am not even including her making lots of sideline comments and sheeping on math

but, it can give you whatever liquid you want :wink:

can I get a glass of Boss110

do i look like a liquid to you?

Luna is prob second scum

Vote merc for now

i just notice merc also put in sheep emoji for whatever reason