[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

idk are you scum or town. Also I feel like on these forums I physically can’t write longer posts I actually need help.

You’re joking Right? I hate you so much rn

why would you hate me

Because you don’t tell my scumtell

So I could improve my gameplay

I remember now put lightsin as light town

Fk can you say it

Stabilish a goal ie only posting until you have written over one line or simply let the post on hold until you also want to comment on something else, melding posts

alright I just actually iso’d math again cause apparently he didn’t actually slip as town and slipped as scum, I thought he slipped as VT and was counter claiming dat and wanted him dead but apparently not

somehow out of all of this I don’t believe he’s mafia and I still believe he’s the mole

@Geyde @Maximusprime Votecount?

@Lightsin where is the slip of him being scum

@MathBlade in what world do you tunnel hjaisk for defending someone and claim D1. It took you a long time to ever force you to actually claim in Valkyrie chronicles

I’m back but still on the half-AFK program because I have some homework and projects to do. Anyone that doesn’t respects my time (Hjasik I’m looking for you) will be properly kneelhauled :smile:

I have to go in 8 minutes but count my vote figuratively on math

Do get lynched

Tell me why you metaread as town

Not metareading marh per say

I judge math by a different scale then everyone else I judge him by how logical what he is doing is and how many people does he scumread who I have as town and right now he’s being illogical

I am talking about myself

oh because you r hjaisk case closed

Some setup speculation:

SCPs imo are neutrals (since there is no multiball) who are both against town and mafia. I think that it should include jesters, neutral killers and alike.
Or there just aren’t neutrals at all and we are being trolled.
I actually don’t doubt that since eevee was the revision mod

Cmon I can’t imrpove my game if you dont