[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

I am not wolf I said why I did that

Because I will flip yellow lmao

Iā€™m starting to think nerbins is BSā€™ing

Do you lose if you die?

No wat

Why tf would I lose

Then what is your yellow wincon?

NKā€™s lose if they donā€™t survive.

To eliminate chaos insurgency and dangerous scp

But I am not NK I claimed it so fk would tell me his meta read

Youā€™ve been talking about village as if youā€™re outside of it lmao

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Ici compare his game play here to the poly game

I donā€™t actually want to say more then this without outting how Iā€™m reading hjaisk

Ici I have an extremely strong townread of Kitten.

I am flipping yellow and you know it scummy cat

I think math scumslipped

something about yellow color I canā€™t say it Iā€™m taking a chemistry quiz brb

And what makes you say this given that I ya know canā€™t?

Iā€™ve been simmilarly certain on Litten in the past and been completely wrong. Walk me through it.

I already told you that I am not NK and why I claimed it like read my ISO I wouldnā€™t be able to fake as much town motivation as scum