[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

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Which scp is the luck one?

SCP-503 is Mr Lucky.

That’s not the luckiest man alive, it’s the worlds unluckiest man alive.

The file is literally called the luckiest man alive

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I know. He is lucky, And unlucky.

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Is a person who is suffering constantly yet survives lucky, or is it unlucky?

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He has immediate good luck And long term bad luck.

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wtf I want to be a neutral scp

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The subject has survived falling from a 34th story window, a plane crash in the North Atlantic, two additional automobile accidents, and the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. It has survived suicide attempts via hanging, overdose, self-immolation, and firearm (see Incident 503-A). Although the subject has won the lottery on two (2) separate occasions, by the time the Foundation took custody of it, medical bills had left it in heavy debt.

SCP-503 is currently being studied by Dr. ████████ to determine if the subject’s properties can be reverse-engineered to increase the survival chances of field agents.

Incident Report 503-A: Six (6) days before SCP-503 came into Foundation custody, it attempted suicide via shotgun. As it held the shotgun along its torso, firing up through the jaw, the jaw somehow absorbed most of the blast, destroying the jaw and causing massive cranial trauma. A neighbor who heard the blast found the subject and took it to the hospital, where it was discovered and retrieved by Foundation agents who had been monitoring the hospital for a possible outbreak of SCP-███.

Incident Report 503-B: During the experiment recorded in Test Log 503-█, research assistant B████ was not searched by security prior to entering the subject’s cell. During the experiment, B████ left behind a ball-point pen, with which SCP-503 attempted to kill itself 31 minutes after the end of the experiment. Although it survived, it was left in critical condition for six (6) days. Research assistant B████ has been disciplined and reassigned.

Test Log 503-1
Test: Card-based guessing game
Result: 100% success rate

Test Log 503-2
Test: Game of roulette
Result: 100% success rate

Test Log 503-3
Test: Game of Poker
Result: Won every hand until last, at which point subject “went all in” (wagered all winnings) and lost game.

Are you SCP-503?

no I’m this guy



Can you control boss and force him to give me the coffee machine? @Boss110

@FireKitten God

I’m not god

343 is literally god.
Also I’m a winner. I’ve beaten SCP-024

Yeh I probably should. Apologies.

Later, I’m in a bit of a pickle when it comes to time rn

Fair enough.