[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

Yeah, but the problem is that I don’t know your meta.

700 posts in. Other than a waste of my time (Math v Kitten), I think I see associations.

I’ll start reading again after I take a shower.
(Missing a day of FM because of OTing everyday and dropping dead is fun)

I mean now you know that fk told you

Uh… I guess so?
…actually, what was I even talking about before I read Post #1600…?

Oh. Right. This post.
…yeah, I still don’t see how I’m supposed to-- actually, FK didn’t even defend Hjasik in this post. Which means that my susp on Hjasik can remain regardless!

@Kirefitten sry for yesterday btw

What happened yesterday

Something in your maf chat?

personal attack

And here dies a Squid.
Care you to post here when you are online?

You as well. Can you put your face under the sun?

It won’t explode from sitting on the paper cup. That’s one of the properties of that scp

You would actually just ask for “nitrogen”
It only serves in liquid form

Wazza has over 9 postos. That’s ISOable /s

Thanks a lot for your 9 posts. Are you trying to get out of the slank table?

[4] posts of fluff

So his first meaningful post, aside from “my role sucks” to be answered with rolefishing by Magnus, was to post “no there’s a flavorvig”
I’m neutral on this post, could be a conclusion drawn from either site since the rolefishing was unneeded anyway.

I think that this reaction is legit for Wazza-level. It derpclears him from being neutral.

Hey @Simon. Could you tell me how it is possible that many people mention you? Merc is susp of you, and I believe you were the cause of Hjasik’s NK claim. Do you mind talking more about those two?


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I’m not even sure why people suspected me in the first place. Apparently i passed fk’s reaction test.

Here it is

Seriously. I get that reaction tests are “good”, but this is getting me confused too often.

How am I still being voted