[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)



Meteor is a stalker who saw some part of bosses role

That’s not aligned with foundation
/vote Magnus

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I can see my own role…
Wait you changed it

It tecnically is

how do you even know your rank

Not it’s not they are prisoners in foundation

Search wiki?

scum have fake claims hjaisk :man_facepalming:

Light got modkilled.

I’m pretty sure they are foundation employes

Class - D are prisoners who are used as lab rats by foundation no way are they aligned with it

Actually you guys are right
D-Class aren’t Foundation-aligned

What was the flip?

I thought we had established that recently?

Anyone claimed?



Flip was town doctor. Modkilled because they announced they were going to be subbed out. Check first post and scroll up a bit.

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what flavor names would be chaos aligned

Class d are death row inmates taken by foundation to experiment on they are not aligned with it