[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

Whos your drug dealer?

who thinks that makes sense

Math is scum because he claimed he would die if he claimed what happens if he memes but he claimed it anyway

the host.
i asked him

What exactly did you ask

geyde always changes his pfp

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Going to be honest if Geyde looks in the thread.
Sees that math claims a host pfp changer
Changes his pfp for this
Then punishes us for angle shooting I’ll never join another game of his again


i asked him earlier whether a separate thing counted as angleshooting, and he gave me that definition (paraphrased of course, since copy/paste is against the rules)
recently i said something along the lines of “this better be angleshooting, because otherwise nothing is” and he confirmed that it is indeed angleshooting.
(response to @Emilia)


What is better be angleshooting

no math is just memeing

basically, host-confirmed this whole thing is angleshooting.
stop basing a read for math off it

(second line added by me)

why would there be a role where you can change the host’s pfp

eevee balanced this right

math being town/scum because of geyde changing his avatar

Someone claiming GM avatar changer And then looking at GM avatar ?

repeating this

if this is angle shooting I request to be modkilled as the host is actively trying to make people angle shoot

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no take me

im just a bus driver you’re probably more important

or hes not changing his pfp for this, is changing it for other stuff, and we’re all angleshooting the heck out of it.

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