[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

Accused Voters Votes
MathBlade Firekitten, Sam17z, Mercenary, Simon, Isaac 5/12
DatBird MathBlade 1/12

Please go back to nice Math I donā€™t like tis


Alright. Iā€™m kinda unsure at this point, as math slipped at first but now isaac is re-coming out as believed scum.

Anyway, Iā€™m gotta skedaddle off for a while, and try to think things through.

Just read one SCP
damn thatā€™s good shit

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Wtf I was literally gone for ten minutes and we already have a hard claim

Give me 20 minutes to do stuff and Iā€™ll read carefully

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Wait give me till midnight I forgot I had a project due


/vote mathblade


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making a police report for drunk driving as a project in an hour and 40 minutes letā€™s go

I also found a scum but I canā€™t death tunnel them till after itā€™s done

take ur time :ok_hand:

/unvote too many votes from almost everyone who is on

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/vote magnus

Scum sheep found

Hi Iā€™m back.
Not gonna lie, really sus of Magnus due to him never clarifying the plague-doctor thing, and that sheep vote he didnā€™t bother to explain at all.
/vote Magnus
Basically just explain things, Magnus.

I finished it let me read now

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alright right here we have a wild mercenary scum

Iā€™m not very familiar with the flavour for this game, but as far as I know, the plague doctor is an scp, and there was some pregame discussion about whether it would be rolled or not
Apparently flavour wise, it has a conversion mechanic, so it probably wonā€™t be

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Because plague doc is awesome, and Iā€™m just voting with majority.

what tf is even scp

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anybody feel free to correct me if Iā€™m wrong