[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

So someone had to ask you to make readlist for you to do something

Are you anomalous


Now it makes it less like it was just move to Take out of lynch pool rather help to make asked readlist

Ok, i give you uhhh… 8 hours to answer hjasik questions before i infect all of you with 008 because i am bored

Infect everyone with 008 now

that’s what I’ve been doing
can’t help but feel like we’re going in circles

It’s too “bright” you noob

No u

Your vote doesnt match With reason you said to have for that vote

except it does
it’s a combination of your answers, my opinion, and your interactions with other people that influenced my vote

You said you did because you wanted me to tell My reasoning wich I already did
Also you didnt ask anything in your vote but just sheeped on easy lynch since I claimed NK And it was already major wagon

and your reasoning wasn’t good enough
but the explanations and interactions later is why I unvoted

You didnt vote me when you asked me for reasoning to Why I defended And I gave you that reasoning but you voted only after I claimed NK And already explained Why I did it

You unvoted because wagon died

Neither did you say that My reasoning is bad And asked me to explain something better you said that you had nullread/townread on me at that point And you still voted me not trying to get a better read on me since you didnt ask for futher questions

I gave my reason for unvoting
or is it not good enough
and is that why you keep pushing?

Because you said that you voted for me to explain My reasoning when you town/null read me
Yet you didnt ask for My reasoning or made Any attemts to get more information as you said that it give you information when you push your town/nullreads

@Boss110 release 008

Where is everyone at