[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

The reasoning to push someone for having a PR in a 23 player closed list setup?

My, role isnā€™t a PR.

Iā€™m a JOAT. Thatā€™s not very PR tier.

Did you think that reasoning was invalid yesterday?

Also. I already outed everything I had.

ha I havenā€™t outed a single one of mine

JOAT is a PR btw

Yesterday, no
It seemed believable that there were PRs, but having Shadow say there couldnā€™t possibly be that many was enough to convince me at the time

obviously having the flips that we do changes this

I did not know JOAT was PR.

[quote=ā€œLuna, post:7590, topic:75730ā€]obviously having the flips that we do changes this
How? I feel like your line of reasoning comes from a really strange perspective considering you think Wazza is scum.

If you look at the amount of flips, and the roles (for both wolf and town), most of them are PRs, so itā€™s safe to say that the idea ā€œthere are too many PRs so you must be lyingā€ isnā€™t really a valid one

My reasoning for suspecting Wazza has nothing to do with his role though

Any non-VT is typically considered a PR.
JOAT is also an especially good one.

I get what youā€™re saying here, but I still find it strange that youā€™re using that ā€œI suspect them for X, not Yā€ reasoning. I see it coming from scum who want to look good in logic more often than town.

I can understand that, but when Y reasoning is suspecting someone for having a PR in a rolemadnes game, l donā€™t see it as a real reason

The idea wasnā€™t having a PR as much as having a similar class of PR thatā€™s unusual to have a lot of in a game.

SMH what I didnā€™t edit that?

I donā€™t think that itā€™s too unusual to have that many TKs in a 23 player setup, and considering he claimed JOAT ontop of that means they arenā€™t all the same
Itā€™s not like having 4 standard vigs

If you quote the full post above yours, the system edits it out

Didnā€™t you state earlier you doubted I was a PR.

I donā€™t think so, and if I did, please quote it

I feel like I knew that and forgot it because thatā€™s a dumb edit rule smh. U:


Iā€™ll continue more tomorrow, hopefully when Iā€™m not ill.