[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

No it’s just not possible. For me to reasonably be able to make any reads I’d have to go back and read many, many messages. Currently I’m clueless in terms of reads and don’t have the time to become un-clueless.

If this makes me seem scumlike, then that’s what it is. As I said twice previously it seems outing may be my only defense so please let me know if you need me to pursue that route.

Is there anyone here

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Day ended

We still have 3 hours left

More than 48 hours from this moment

Geyde extended the day for 12 hours


I am here

After squids flip I feel like whoever We today lynch flips town


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What about math

I mean today

@Luna can you post you full readlist?

We can’t no lynch

You cant do that boss

I know right

Why is that

omg stop angleshooting