[FM] SCP Forum Mafia [GAME END] - The Fire Rises - (4/23)

With 5 Ici’s we should’ve won day 2 though


It’s the deep wolf 5, he’s such a great wolf it took all ici efforts in cafching him


What were the roles of the surviving players?

All roles are in the dead chat which has been made public



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User#: Scientist
Foundation Vanilla

You are one of the prestigious, drawn from the best and brightest around the world to work at the Foundation. With specialists in every field imaginable, from chemistry and botany to more esoteric or specialized fields such as theoretical physics and xenobiology, the goal of the Foundation’s research projects is to gain a better understanding of unexplained anomalies and how they operate.

You have no abilities of your own. You can speak and vote though!

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: D-Class Personnel
Foundation Weak 1-Shot Vigilante

Class D personnel are typically drawn worldwide from the ranks of prison inmates convicted of violent crimes, especially those on death row. They are not allowed near valued personnel, and they are extremely expendable. It would be a shame if they just took advantage of the people around them when protocol doesn’t exist.

During the night, you may attack a player. If they are not aligned with the Foundation, you will die. This may only be done once.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: Site Technician
Foundation 2-way Bus Driver

Always the least appreciated yet most important of positions, your damn position keeps this trainwreck of a place up and running. The very systems which they never denote as necessary are all powered by your labor. To hell with it! You are going to use this opportunity to show them how important you really are!

During the night, you may choose two other players to swap the positions of. All abilities targeting the first will instead target the second, and vice versa.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: FR Medical Staff
Foundation Doctor

Trained over the years to deal with the most paradoxical of infections and wounds, now the time arrives where your services for actually logical threats are needed! Just need make sure not to be on the receiving end of a rifle.

During the night, you can choose to heal a player, saving them from night attacks. You will be notified if they were saved from an attack.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: Junior Researcher
Foundation Anomaly Detector / 1 shot tracker

Your kind are new to the swing of things. Your role in the investigation of [SCP-106. This will be revealed at the start of d3.] nets you a surprising boon amidst your peers: greater influence. It’s great and all, but the most important thing is that you do whatever it takes to keep this jig going. Might involve weeding out several terrorists, but you’ve gone through worse to be brutally honest.

During the day, you can determine if the player is anomalous. This may be due to either being inherently anomalous, or being in possession of anomalous artifacts for whatever reason.

During the night, you may choose to track a player, learning who they visit. This may only be done once.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: A-Class Personnel
Foundation 1-Shot Bulletproof

Class A personnel are those deemed essential to Foundation strategic operations, and are not allowed direct access to anomalies under any circumstances. When circumstances require Class A personnel to be in direct proximity to such anomalies (such as in the case of facilities housing containment units), Class A personnel are not allowed access to the areas of the facility containing such anomalies and are to be kept in secured areas at all times.

Your importance in the foundation necessitates the best protection be used to keep you alive. You will be protected from a single attempt on your life.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: Facility Guard
Foundation Limited Jack of all Trades

Primarily drawn and recruited from military, law enforcement, and correctional facility personnel, security officers are trained in the use of all types of weapons as well as a variety of contingency plans covering both containment breach incidents as well as hostile action.

You have access to three abilities, all of which are one-shot. You can only use two of the three abilities.

Tracker Flare - Determine who a player visits, but not what they did.
Taser - Roleblock a player. They will also be protected from any attacks.
Covering Fire - Mark a player for death. If you are alive on the following night and are not blocked / redirected, you will kill them.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: Security Officer
Foundation 3-Shot Janitor Vigilante


On-site security officers — often referred to simply as guards — at Foundation facilities are tasked with maintaining physical and information security for Foundation projects, operations, and personnel. In your case, being on the receiving end of countless SCPs has left you armed to the teeth.

During the night, you may shoot a player. This may be done with a variety of different weapons, but may only be done three times over the course of the game. Each individual weapon cannot be used twice, and will clean the flip

  • (Krieger Mk.5) Target player will not be able to perform actions.
  • (MID) This shot will bypass applied protections.
  • (C-9) You will learn who visited the target during the night.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: Containment Specialist
Foundation Jailkeeper

Containment specialists have two main roles at Foundation facilities. Firstly, containment teams are called upon to respond to confirmed cases of anomalous activity to secure and establish initial containment over anomalous objects, entities, or phenomena and transport them to the nearest Foundation containment site.

During the night, you may choose a player to detain. They will be immune to attacks for the night, and will also be roleblocked.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.

User#: Site Director
Foundation Necromancer


Site directors for major Foundation facilities are the highest-ranking personnel at that location and are responsible for the continued, safe operation of the site and all of its contained anomalies and projects. All major departmental directors report directly to the Site Director, who in turn reports to the O5 Council.

[You will be informed at the start of day 2, or earlier if the MTF Commander reveals themselves of the presence of the Mobile Task Force. They are a three player masonry, full of powerful town PRs.]

During the night, you may choose a dead Foundation or [MTF] member. You will perform their night action if it can be done. You may not select the same dead player twice.

You win when the Chaos Insurgency and any dangerous SCPs are defeated.


Where is the chaos and nk rolelist

They are in dead chat

-> Woke up
-> Got 4 messages, among which says that the game ended
-> Saw that Nuc died
-> Got confused a bit
-> Checked SoD5
-> Understood what happened

Guess what happened to the fullcop? Sent to the grave along with Merc.

Yes. Good job necro’ing Meteoro to me! (No sarcasm)

Funny thing is: I didn’t learn anything about Nerbins from this game.

I 100+% agree with this.

Including traitor, it is 5, but I get the point as well.


Mm… As for me, I am in a good mood. The victory I gained was basically a carried one. I had rather planned to be policy lynched D1 or D2 because of my ability, but then… well, D2 Boss happened.

get… carried nerds…?

Yay! \o/

I’m honestly satisfied I managed to get out of my paranoid ramblings against Litten long enough to lynch Math, even if I was an idiot for the first half of D1

*pats pats*

TBH I’d vote Hjasik for that slot. The guy played as anybody in his spot should, attacked Merc and Math correctly, did a reaction test that definitely outed Boss, and suspected Zone (and even myself for a tiny bit). His mistakes were trusting what Shadow had said that Boss is confirmed and clearing me for a derpclear that would have been right 99% of the time if Geyde hadn’t put Math in scumchat making me think he was a normal scum and led to me just normally derping, but I don’t feel like I can fault him at all for either of those.

Why is this?
I felt like this was a really high townsided setup this game. On the investigative side, town had a cop, who was also masons with an IC. This combination alone of the cop being able to out trustworthy information to a trustworthy source is enough to start breaking the game. When combined with a doctor to protect the IC/cop, this starts to get broken really quickly the moment either Merc’s role dies or it reaches Day 3 and they’re out of shots. (Not to mention there are other useful investigative roles out there like one-shot Tracker, and also Wazza’s one-shot JK and another every night JK and a two-shot Bus Driver to investigate/stop scum kills from hitting their intended targets.) Then, there’s also a ton of KP, like Wazza’s one-shot vig, Meteoro’s three shot vig, the arsonist mason, and Magnus’s desperado, not to mention the fact there’s also a NK out there every night for the scum to guard themselves from.
And for all of that, what do the scum get? Four members and one lost wolf. That number is suited for somewhere in the 19-21 (stretching it) player range, not an already overpowered town. The abilities scum had were nice, but nowhere near enough to make up for it (one redirector and two claimvigs can help with some of the massclaiming issues, but not really well enough since by the time most of the vigs had outed they would have taken their shot and you can’t redirect the cop b/c it’s theoretically outed results via the IC and is still hidden. The rolecop helps with finding the cop, but not enough when you’re dealing with 23 players total.)
I’m saying all of that to say that honestly I don’t think town deserves a no contest in this game. Yes, they lost a couple (suspected and likely to be mislynched at some point in time) townies to modkill, but was that enough to take away the fact they lost a very easily winnable game? I don’t think so. No Contests are generally reserved for games that couldn’t complete or had huge integrity breaches or MYLO/LYLO modkills, not this.


Whoops sorry for the wall lol.

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I am out of likes!

Also: @Kirefitten, @NinjaPenguin, how are you two (currently) doing on reading me?

3 town were modkilled but agree setup was town sided

I’ll answer that when I actually wake up