FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

damn I can no longer trust my boy

@Icibalus if you detonate Margaret I detonate you

Baz holds Marl’s detonator

Marl, you better be terrified

I’m already dead I’ve come to terms with this

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this whole village idiot thing is gonna get me detonated for sure

feel free to ping me if and when you detonate so i never miss any

It’s a slightly-less-than 1 in 4 chance of Marl being Scum

Which means it’s very tempting to detonate Baz just so he doesn’t blow up a likely high town asset

myslynch marl is back i see

No the fact that Margaret holds your detonator means you’ll be detonated


Do it
I’ll take the blame if he flips town

Plus you get my detonator which you can use as leverage against me

@BlueStorm don’t let your dreams be dreams

I thought we agreed beforehand to not detonate unless they’re suspicious?

No one agreed to anything

Bazinga will blow me up the instant he checks the thread

I’m afeared

bully me some more and the pain will go away

Where there is no peril in the task, there can be no glory in its accomplishment.

/detonate @Jazz

Big money, no whammies

