FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

they bombed a mafia really early. usually in tol you would bus your unseen late in the game right? same principle

That makes Baz’s bus theory incredibly unlikely. Mafia couldn’t likely predict Baz’s position on circle relating to other mafia.

in tos you would what

Yeah, first yolo det was mafia. Blue is TOTES town

Marl and Blue 100% town.

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sorry i meant throne of lies

You have a maf det in your hand. That’s my guess

I have a few hypotheses in mind for who mafia might be depending on certain kills tonight.

and detonate blue… k then

we explained he’s town af

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This is what we would call shadethrowing, cb

Sorry, just finding it hard to believe a random det happened to be Mafia.

does this make me no longer the VI but cbman is?


village idiot


Sam17z - 1 - Planterror

Just trying to play. Anything is possible right?

would you bus your assassin really early when you failed a convert in throne of lies?

You can find it hard to believe


So Blue just got lucky?

I don’t believe in luck.

Not my point. If you can’t make up for an unseen dying, then why bus so early.

exactly why blue is town. you can’t make up a 3v12 compared to a 4v12