FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

It’s hard on mobile, sorry

Did I destroy your sanity yet

can we kill marg

Why do you want to kill Marge?

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cuz the mafia


I don’t think Blue would fake this if it was a bus, but #quickdetonation is fucking terrible. We could as well leave this game on a coinflip, if we would want to play it like that.

/vote Isaac


Why are they mafia?

Nooo wazza bad

That noob really offended me so i keep my vote, they bullied me.

… Just realised who holds my detonator.

A’ight, here’s my explanation for the gajillionth time

At the time, I figure Marl has a just-under 1 in 4 chance of being scum
Baz is a lunatic and would detonate Marl regardless of alignment
So I detonated Baz to protect someone that would be a powerful town asset

You mean me <3

And by just-under I mean just-over


are you gonna kill me

He’d be a powerful scum asset just the same and you do to Baz just as Baz would hypothetically do to Marl…

but it doesn’t matter, cause I still townread you

Blue, who I already stated why and explictly asked me two times for Sam to be detonated so they would save a lynch.
Astand, who whatever Sam flipped I would gain their detonator anyway
Indirectly Ici by saying wolves were pushing for Blue to be W. My gut tells me something isn’t right with him tho.

Also Marg and Isaac liked my denotation post the moment it was posted. Isaac has done a townslip I also found quite suspicious but I’m not aware of Isaac meta.

I like the way you direct thoughts, glad to have you back :slight_smile:

I don’t know why but I kinda want Solic to detonate.