FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

otp intensifies

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It wasnt luck.

legitmately wants to blow up Solic right now but you can tell he’s town

can you?

Solic’s a smorty-3.14

Why do you townread me? :eyes: Do you already know I’m town.

It’s so awkward to tunnel someone holding your detonator.

I was doing it with Plant earlier.

Because Enemy Within 2 game intensifies

(this is for Blue and Solic)

By the way, I didn’t actually want Plant blown up.

Because, i have plot armor

Commit slip on explosive detonator.

How about you sit down brah.

Reading someone like Solic based off of one game isn’t smart.

If I tried to read him based off of my experiences with him as a scumteam in RM2 I would get nowhere.

@astand Blue is bullying me, /detonate exists ya know.

that doesn’t detonate my bomb right.

I didn’t bold it so.

It shouldn’t, it ain’t bold and Booper wasn’t pinged

Why are you so worried? :eyes:


Can you notttt…?

No, it has to be bold and/or i have to be sure that you want to do it