FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

good newbie boi.

Ici was the first to explicitly call out Max alone as wolf. I’d rather have Marge gone.

Ugh, I know there’s a way to solve this or at least clear SOME people through Wazza’s flip but I can’t math it out, and the one brainy boi here that could (Solic) refuses to

Can someone explain the signifigance of Max being maf? I need a little guidance. I feel like there is something stronger to pursue here than being paranoid about a bus.


Think hard on why I would want a different target at this moment. :eyes:

So, theoretically we should have Ici blow up Marg? And if Marl blows up Ici, then we know Marl is possibly maf too?

Solic I know your stance is “hurhurhur no math in FM game (even though it’s cyclical and we know that at most mafia can hold 3 maf bombs and 1 town so there’s inherent math involved)” but can you please try and math something out? I know it’s possible I just can’t do it myself

can’t I be like
the good wolf boy
who sits around the table, votes along and receives snaccs

Merc’s playing like his Warhammer game, discuss

No, you’re grasping at something that doesn’t exist. 2 disconnected mafia flipped, so there is no advantage to the cycle anymore.

aight gimme a minute

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Except there totally is if Wazza is flipped

nah in warhammer I tried to remind people of my FE Echoes game
here I just accepte my death and I’m memeing

I don’t think there was ever an advantage in killing people by circle, killing suspicious people is clearly superior than killing people going by the list. And @BlueStorm I don’t really see how math could help us with any amount of certainty here. Maf could be in any position in a circle in theory.

blow up Marg vote wazza

I’d rather wait a day. :eyes:


@Solic Hold off killing Merc imo, if you still wanted to do it. No rush in any case.

Noooo. Not letting that happen.

Wazza is our lynch today as nobody can blow them up and their flip is the most beneficial