FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

We’ll need active people if the days are this short with all the extra spice detonation brings.

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Detonate without being told to = confirmed scum.

By the way will you be informed who you would detonate or is it random?

except that we both know that’s not going to stop people from doing it


Just read the OP.

I really don’t get that, does that mean everybody gets told who they have, I don’t understand it?

So everybody gets told who everybody else detonates including who detonates them?

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See, you get it.

Not really just needed confirmation.

If I get you be prepared Solic, you will be living.

That could be throwing, if I was scum though. :wink:

That was sarcasm.

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Reeeeee /s /s /s


Wouldn’t it be just a good idea to have the Mafia take all the Mafia detonators, and then watch Town literally self-destruct?


Yes and yes.

thanks for making us aware.

Good players would catch on to that fairly soon.

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Maybe I’m just ensuring it’s an interesting game! :upside_down_face:

Also in this setup, the majority can force someone to detonate someone else with their votes.

Where does it say that?

And if mafia takes all town detonators, they can win when it is 8vs4 with simultaneous detonation. It’s a tradeoff for sure.

why don’t you join then?