FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

Lol I’m so salty

Geyde called me scum BEFORE I even posted then blew me up after like 4 posts

Blue did post something scummy and I did geniunely forget that he blew was up as well

Also this was super town sided

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This is basically just a modified version of wolfia on discord if you think about it

Also dammit Blue. This is mafia NOT maths! :eyes:

yes reapyboi is bacc

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scummus chatus openicus

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Also I have a comment I found from somewhere that describes how I felt when Boopy didn’t give Town class cards

also yes
all the compliments were heartfelt and not pocketing

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We coulda figured it out I’m tellin’ ya

We coulda found somethin’


Why are you salty? You barely posted.

Cause gets cuaght me due to pure luck

He called me scum every single time I went to sleep then blew me up

the game was open for a good 24 hours before we started accusing you :eyes:

who sleeps for 24 hours

I didn’t get on until later and geyde/someone else started accusing me before I posted actually so you’re wrong :confused:

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You were also pinged multiple times. How can you be surprised if you show zero town motivation.

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All I did was push a button

I played like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

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“You were pinged multiple times”

Bitch I’m sorry that I went to sleep then and that none of you posted when I actually had the time to check

What’s up next?

actually I’m a dumbo

@Marcus_Doodalee is this your alt

I can’t find it
Anyway if you are hosting a game

You are hosting it for the players as well. The LEAST you can do is send everyone a class card with little text as not doing that just leads to problems of people being confirmed and stuff.

Scum MVP was me though