FM: Short Fuse [Explosive Victory] (Game Over: Town Wins)

The Mafia now know who they are, once they have made their choices the rolls will be made

this doesn’t work
people will come into the thread asking about their class card and creates an unfun dynamic

send cards to everyone

ici’s first mountainous game proves this doesn’t work

people should learn to read

It’s too late?

no it isn’t because only competent players have checked in

the instant one of the new players comes into the thread asking why they didn’t get a class card, they’ll be cleared of being mafia

there are like two players who this is their first game, sending cards isn’t that hard, it takes maybe 4 minutes

fine maybe i just ask a mod to lock the thread until the game begins

I do prefer having my own card as well to be honest. To vent thoughts occasionally.


im not sending the same message 12 times

why are you hosting then

how can you be expected to keep up and be active with vcs and such when you wont even send out rolecards?

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I’m kind of soft clearing Marl in my mind for this, so I do think he has a point.

trust me this is highly non alignment indicative

i’d be pissed about people getting town cleared due to host laziness as either faction

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sending the same message 12 times is a waste of my time

The same argument could be made for posting VC’s that players themselves can figure out by reading.


it could

but i’m not making that argument

so bite me

my game

i host it how i want

this should not be a hard concept to grasp

or do you want me to just can the fuckin game because god forbid jazz has a good time hosting a game she made

ay yo could a mod lock the thread for me please