[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

Oh okay then bombs away!

1 min left

I did it because I had an impulse feeling that FK and Wazzaā€™s interactions in the pregame were staged in order to clear them both early, because thatā€™s what FK likes to do.

Is there a better explanation I missed?

That doesnā€™t mention Eevee at all?

This was built off of FKā€™s shitty responses to me asking why he was so comfortable with being handheld by eevee.

Except before you literally said it was T/T and Wazza was town. Why didnā€™t you tell people to blow me up before waxza


@Solic @astand

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that AtE was not staged

didnt even feel like it

his tone was frustrated as all hell, wasnt really scummy

his Hjasik read was weird AF though

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Because Iā€™m impatient and my tinfoil assumed that both of you were scum anyway.

So who do you think is scum now?

i mean, they could have done that in scumchat if they both were scum (talking about fk and eevee)

Fk was geniunely confused

hes a TR through tone

I was scum in RotBD. Itā€™s totally possible to get that mad at FK, his mere existence does that to anyone with a modicum of sense.

Dude yeah no.

I am an impatient arrogant asshole. I am at least an impatient arrogant asshole that at least follows my points and they make sense. This isnā€™t impatience this is ā€œoh shit! I fucked up my reasonā€

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Right, whatā€™s happening here and why have two villagers flipped in only 6 hours?

Thatā€™s lovely and all

But thatā€™s assuming my aspie-addled brain works the same way as yours does.

Wow I feel so loved

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Litten youā€™d better not be a wolf this game

Are you a wolf tho?

Personally Iā€™d blow them up just to make sure.

No loss, after all.