[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

Going to yolodetonate when I come back(around 17 hours)
Convince me to not detonate

Iā€™m afraid I wouldā€™ve recieved my rolecard IN the scumchat if I had it and not a separate rolecard.

you can scum or town read any post


literally just got my card

also astand you shouldā€™ve stopped talking and confirms until maf chose

now we know fk and orange are scum

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You wonā€™t be invited to my roblox birthday party

Why is FK in classcard DM with me this must be a moderror

Why am I not invitedā€¦

ā€¦I thought we were best buds ;-;

Oh yeah Iā€™m the one shot day neighbourizer

I randed a shot

Invite me too I am best roblox player

But orange And eevee are there too :thinking:

You make classes that have to win if you winā€¦ thatā€™s not very cash money roblox of you. Besides, I took this picture not so long ago.


People who are allowed at my roblox birthday party


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hj, remember Vampire Masquerade, where almost lynched your ass from fake claiming

Aka, literally 10 mins ago lol

( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

Ask them if they smell

They said that Its a scumchat

That really didnā€™t work for you last time


Itā€™s treason then