[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

his confidence makes me think maxwell os scum holding his det

I donā€™t think Geyde is mafia rn.

Or at least not most scummy one from those you mentioned.

Hey eevee we got a couple of opportunistic scum right here

Whaddya say about Math detonating Geyde?

Math will always kill me afterwards ;-;

And didnā€™t Math call his confidence towny

Geyde, you can knock it off right now.

I see what youā€™re doing and I wonā€™t let it pass.

nah, scummy


I agreed with FK kill.
I didnā€™t agree with Sam or Wazza ones.

Rest was ~rand.

I still think killing obvtown Wazza was terrible idea.

FK kill was fine only after Icibalusā€™ flip.

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And anyhow Geyde

You said FKā€™s flip would make Iciā€™s wagon safe


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Iā€™m sad that I agreed to bomb Maxi tbh.

Iā€™m still blaming myself for it.

Stop clogging up the thread with self-regret and focus on the developing situation.


I only lead town when Iā€™m scum or when Iā€™m town and we are close to losing.

Not enough motivation yet.

I leave for about 40 minutes


dang it the gif didnt work

One mislynch and 3 town detonations and thatā€™s game over for Town, you understand?

We could potentially be at LyLo, donā€™t ignore it.

Canā€™t town then detonate mafia?

Or game ends on parity?

Game ends at parity.

Ehhhā€¦ fuck.

Exactly. So focus on the situation cause weā€™re a LOT closer to losing than is immediately obvious.