[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

Okay so let’s assume that. Make a list of who hasn’t.

I know I haven’t because I am always catching up.

However I find it much more likely with all the town flips that mafia had town detonators and already used them but let’s explore your theory.

/vote Blizer


I did like 100 posts ago

Blizer being scum clears Ici

All people CFD onto Blizer

Wait A fucking Minute

I actually trust your theory more now thinking about this. However I also believe the nature of this game just causes a lot of town to detonate without thinking about the odds. Nevertheless your theory makes more sense honestly.

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So I am assuming that you’re not going to say you’re scum.

So then that leaves Metereo Ici and me as not yet detonated.

So then unless you’re saying 2 of the last three scum are Metereo and Ici your argument doesn’t weight.

Yay talking works people. Hooray!

Math, Geyde has been defending Ici from Blue during that entire AtE.


Why are u hard defending Ici?

Hes said almost nothing this entire game.

everybody that pushed him (FK, Blue)

Flipped town.

Like they could be, idk all i remember of Meteoro was that he tried to Alice me and make me explode hjasik, and Ici did town read me

What entire AtE?

There was so much AtE I could drown.

Secondly you’re now pushing Ici when you haven’t proven it and expecting me to assume it. That’s not how this works. You don’t get to make suggestions into my subconscious. It’s disgusting.

I want Eevee to come talk some shit out.

Just to be clear the only reason I flipped BlueStorm is because it seemed inevitable one of us was going to be lynched had I not. The odds were not great that he was mafioso and I would have preferred to wait but some were of the false line of thought that we were somehow trying to protect each other.

We have time to sit down at our keyboards/phones and rationally discuss this and stop pretending everything is the end of the world. Scum win when we don’t think.


That is exactly why you don’t.

As I said this game needed to slow down. Forcing people to commit to a wagon is a good way to do that.

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Thanks for that. I kind of felt forced by Geyde and a few others.

Okay give me an entire list. Who did you feel forced you?

It was mainly just bird and especially Geyde. To be honest I also let my own intuition fool me because of how emotional BlueStorm was in his posts.

Sorry i made you feel that way i honestly wanted your opinions, and when i got nothing i assumed the worst.