[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

Hey blizer

Absolutely not



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@Kirefitten will like this post

Donā€™t worry If firekitten gets you you wonā€™t have to read any posts

Hey @Wazza do you try to show town motivation as scum

I do

Iā€™ve not been scum in ages so I donā€™t realaly know.

You are the most pro!town scum I have ever had the pleasure to play with.

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Now I cri

So this will be a new experience?

at wazzaazza would answer this question

I am pro!third party town

So you played with scum Who was even more pro!town but didnt get pleasure out of it?


I wouldnā€™t cheat on you :wink:


What about H_Hjasik is She more pro!town as scum than me?

I was only friends with H_Hjasik!

It wasnā€™t anything serious. We just went out for coffee a few times.

Thats a sad story

Iā€™m afraid not. The last time I was scum was like when I was scum was a FM i canā€™t even remember but it was in October when I broke my nose.

Lol thatā€™s townie AF


I am at work will read up on this later FoS Blizer

Tell me why you arenā€™t scum.