[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

this game is at its most fun when it’s you and a bunch of your buds in a village core against the wolves

Actually you can’t change who you are but you can change the words out of your lips.

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This is why character attacks aren’t something that should happen, period.


not like you have a word in this

It also gives the person you’re attacking a moral high ground.

Like seriously when you brought up be being Aspie it gives a person leverage.

You = Blue*

Winning doesn’t matter that much, especially since being the same allignment with Hippolytus g a u r e n t e e s your win anyway, so why bother :^)

(jk hippo you’re not that good)

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@astand @Solic


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If this setup is ever held again, detonation resets would need to be reworked, so it doesn’t turn into a competition of reflexes/internet speed.


How about we make detonations Day 1 only so the game actually gets a satisfying ending?

And timezones

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They still lost.

How about a rule that says should town have the potential of losing with a bomb going off detonations don’t work.

That’s literally what I said earlier and you complained about that

Because it would be townsided as hell

Oh that

Right. I happened to be scum.

And fair enough I did have good points.

I is at work and not thinking clearly

I was with my earlier onjection

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Town has 7 mislynches they can just decide to play it like normal moutainous

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So pretty much disable detonations at LyLo.

Town wins game D1 with a stomp
Let’s add 5 wolves
Town wins again
Remove a wolf
Wolf wins
Make it town sided as hell

Mafia won the second game though.

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