[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

fucking kms

that sux man hopefully one comes soon

Hey dat whatā€™s your opinion so far

if I gots your detonator you very much care what I think of you

The most standing out people as scum imo for now are probably Blizer just because they said they would blow up anyone. Now that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll insta blow them up if I have them since they can still change but its a horrifying thought that if he has mine that Iā€™m or whoever he has is instadead. My biggest problem this game will probably be reads on certain people since like 5 of these people I have had 0-1 games with, so I dont know much on how they play. So i dont even know if this fits Blizers usual play style

He hasnā€™t played in forever tbh

I got water disabled for last 20 hoursā€¦ I canā€™t even take a showerā€¦ ffs

Andā€¦ they should turn it on again 3 hours ago and they didnā€™t.

It is terrible cause it might last few more hours like that, since itā€™s night already.

you and me are both having it rough rn

Nah, nah nah nah. Read the post I pinged you in. I TOLD you to detonate me.

I clearly donā€™t care.


I didnā€™t realise this game was bastard tbh

No, no, you misunderstand

The game isnā€™t bastard

The game has bastards

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like you

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Yes, like me.

sry, im in freezing weather rn

im pissed


I forgot things donā€™t stop in places where thereā€™s an inch of snow unless youā€™re the UK.

Itā€™s not?

Follow up on earlier

My most recent scum game was in a turbo 24 days ago.

Did someone say Turbo?


Why humble monthly had games calledā€¦

Full Metal FURRIES


PURRfect date.

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