[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

@blizer do you know which game?

Watch your mouth maxi was scum

Also why tf is there turbos there

uhh, im in class rn.

give me 10 min and ill look for it

I’m also in class LUL

class ends in 10

Triple threat 2?

Initial feelings on a bunch of people who seem villagery;
Firekitten, DatBird,MathBlade.

Firekitten is entirely a soulread.
DatBird is because his entire ISO reeks of honesty. It’s mostly just a toneread but I can stand by it.
MathBlade, from what I can gather, has a very focused agenda, and a cursory glance of his posts shows them casting a very wide net to catch wolves and he’s not showing a classic wolf error; casting a wide net than unaturally tightening it to further the agenda. I think that shows he is probably village?

Scales of justice maybe?

that game he was CL

so yea TT2

I remember max trying to get me killed in another game for lynching him in a game. He was scum who hadn’t flipped yet so he complanined about getting mislynched in that game and tried to get me shot in another game for it

this has nothing to do with this but still

he was scum in SF 2 and SF 1


People are pushing for me to blow you.

Come here

I’m not very resitant to pushes when it comes to killing people.

Is it the game I’m thinking about?

maybe, idk

max come heeeerrrreee

I’ll revisit this later

Revisit what about it?

What is your read on Meteoro?