[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win

What does that matter when we have the number s

why add the blizer part at the end

How many votes on Ici have we got currently?

Accused Voters Number
Firekitten eevee 1/6
BlueStorm Blizer,MathBlade 2/6
Meteoro Hjasik 1/6
Icibalus Firekitten,Meteoro,BlueStorm 3/6

Does day start right away afterwards?


Yeah it will.

At least thatā€™s how it was the last games.

Tbh, I probably shouldnā€™t kill Maximus, but considering everyone was scumreading him to point knowing he is town, I wouldnā€™t have a choice afterwards anyway.

Random blowing up Sam out of nowhere was terrible tho.
Same was blowing Wazza, speaking of wich.

Letā€™s blame nerbins tbh.

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This doesnā€™t work.

When I flip town we are in a worse position. Blow me up if ici flips town

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And by knowing you are town I can make sure that the wagon doesnā€™t fuck us

Otherwise Iā€™m spitballing

Thatā€™s not how it works thatā€™s not how any of this works. If this flips green feel free to kill me but this isnā€™t going to flip green

I donā€™t get a single word

ici flips mafia->we let fk live and fk hunts wabbits aka max and Blizer
ici flips town->you blow up firekitten

/detonate @astand

This is a plan to endgame by tomorrow


And feel free to blame me for your loss in scumchat

I hate this plan, whatever it is.

no u