[FM] Short Fuse III: Shortest Fuse - Game End - Mafia win


Geyde is pushing for the endgame here.

Focus your reads first, then make your own decision.

god honestly I cant tell if this TvT, SvS, or TvS

Whiteknighting much?

And the shitty shadethrow

I just read posts for what they are instead of what an agenda told me

Itā€™s TvS and Geydeā€™s eating shit after Ici eats shit or after Math gets online, one of the two.

This is shadethrowing Blue, not defending me

And your agenda says that I have to be scum in order for your endgame to work

I gotta go read this because I dont remeber this at all, but honestly I could of just skipped it

Math hasnā€™t pressured me.

At all.

oh i just cant read

Read his ISO and youā€™ll see it


Your read on myself and Math makes no sense.

Iā€™m gonna give you a chance here.

Read into the interactions between myself and Math and reach a conclusion.

It does.

Math detonates me, Ici flips town, they detonate Eevee.
You detonate Blizer

Thatā€™s how you reach parity


I donā€™t have to read interactions when youā€™ve been setting this up since first scum flipped.

Telling me not to bomb Fk meant nothing since it was obvious either way that I was going to bomb them.

So instead you took the chance to get that towncred

Occamā€™s Razor

Your horse-blinkered refusal to realise that lumping myself and Math as a scumteam makes no sense is very telling, Geyde.