[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

I don’t know why I replied to that in that post but ok



oh you Isoed my detonate target.

Thank you for doing my work

I’m gonna go make pancakes and breakfast things



This is a meme, plz no killo yet.

I actually agree that that felt overexplained and he already put a lot of thought into a hypothetical situation for town, but an actual one for mafia.

I want Blue to react to this first however.


Got anything to say about this? :thinking:

But there is no real difference when you’re on mafia as a team between the former and latter. Having a mafia detonator, means also that THAT mafia has you as their detonator.

I kind of like this inherent contradiction as it shows that you haven’t put a lot of thought into it yet and don’t think you’d construct this on the fly.

What precisely do you find unnatural?

I dislike this quietness.


What do you think about Sulit?

Atm I think their a town lean, but its still early


you seem to be doing a solid job of analysing people, and making reads

That is so vague. What posts make you say that?

/vote Sir btw. :upside_down_face:

These posts

Now a little bit more value judgement. What reads/analyses do you agree with and why? And specifically what do you not agree with?

I agree with his read on blue, not sure with the meta read on dat, but I do agree mafia wouldn’t purposefully avoid answering that