[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

  1. Because I’m town, and detonating me would bring the Mafia closer to victory. I realize that ‘I’m town’ is not proof of being town, but it bears mentioning.
  2. Because even if you temporarily operate under the assumption that I’m scum, my scum play typically provides a wealth of associative reads if you actually bother to look for them (see SFoL 51 before the redcheck got outed – hardly anyone bothered to use them, but they were there). If I were scum, detonating me now would make it harder to find my scumbuddies later.
  3. Because if I’m left alive, I’ll have the chance to actually analyze the game/do Isos/etc., all of which are things that should help figure out who the scum are.

That sure is a self conscious LAMIST wallpost and the only one you have posted so far. :upside_down_face:

It’s less than five hundred words, Solic, it’s not a wallpost (and thus, I’m not locktown yet). :upside_down_face:

(Iso of SirDerps incoming, chosen because I hold his detonator and thus he’s one of the most important people FMPOV for alignment-figuring-out purposes.)

And that’s a formal way to address me, do you feel fear Arete? :eyes:

/vote Arete

Let’s see if your wallposts can change my mind. :smile:


I was going to ask for your thoughts on Alice while I wrote my wallpost but it looks like she hasn’t really posted yet.

/vote Alice for pressure.

@Alice come join the thread! We have cookies explosions!

You got me excited I thought we were gonna get cookies. At this point you might as well just blow me up smh


With each post you make me regret more that I don’t have your detonator.

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What do you think of Arete?

Just finished reading the thread.

So far I’m uneasy on Solic as his play reminds me a lot of RM3 and RRM while at the same time I am liking Hippo.

I usually can read Solic extremely accurate by the EoD so I’ll see if anything changes from now 'till then. If Solic detonates me without any warning just automatically detonate him as well.



How does it remind you of those games?

Accused Voters Number
Arete Solic 1/7
sulit Hippolytus 1/7
Alice Arete 1/7

@Solic if you could detonate anyone right now, and not doing so weren’t an option, who would it be and why?

If you could make someone other than yourself permanently detonation immune, who would it be and why?

Yeah, don’t like wait for Alice’s flip or anything btw. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tonal read so far. IIRC he’s usually more… sarcastic or snarky would be the word for it, I think, as town. So I didn’t get any scumpings so far from him.

You. My vote is on you for a reason.

The second, let me think about that for a moment.

Should be obvious that you should wait for my flip, but whatever.