[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

Nobody is ever locked as town in my book. However I did not want you detonated, that was a… forgot the word where you make something bigger that it is. I tried to seem like LHF to scum to try and push me but stay NAI to town. Which is why I want Jake lynched.

I think rn DatBird’s probably scum and with his reaction to the potential of Jake being bombed that he’s town for that. Wouldn’t detonate Jake just yet.

I don’t understand why people want Datbird detonated. I can’t remember a single post of his this entire game. Which means nothing has stood out to me as ‘That’s a town post’ or ‘That’s a scum post’

Hm, but what makes you confident you didn’t overshoot it and end up in scummy-to-town? Having already seen the beginning of the gambit play out and knowing why you did what you did, I can’t really be confident either way.

Eh, so far his reads have been either hedge-y, as in his ISO of Arete, or have pretty much just been following the consensus as in Solic. Usually as scum he just makes wallposts that arrive to very weak conclusions like this.

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Because Alice could have taken the opportunity to push on me however they didn’t. I’ve heard Alice is a veteran so I don’t see why she would miss that opportunity.

Well, since she’s a veteran, scum!Alice has to make her pushes look natural and non-opportunistic or else she’ll get called out for them. I don’t think we can clear her based on the fact she didn’t push you.

Going to read up again.

Who are you seeing as a scumteam with Datbird at this point?

(And speaking of Datbird, I’m still waiting for a response to my response to his response.)

They doubt you and then they vote the same as you. Yeahhhh. :eyes:

We have 3 mislynches and that’s if they all chose 3 town detonators.
They have to take opportunities here or they’re going to lose.

0mG p0cKeTtInG!!111!!

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What does pressing F do also? I was cleaning my keyboard and it keeps coming up that I’ve done that action too many times.

Rn I’m seeing you/Sulit/Blue/Derp as potential suspects with him.

Explain this Alice.


Explain how you “increased your TR” on Hippo, because they made a distancing comment on you and then voted the same person that you are voting.


Hippo being skeptical of me TR’ing him looks like Town paranoia. I’m also voting Dat right now.

And you were voting Arete during that timeframe.

So apparently he’s not being that skeptical.