[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

Me too ^^

@sulit @JakeTheWolfie @Arete @Marshal

Small test.

Did mafia or town write the following posts and why.

Put your answers in spoiler and don’t read answers of others before submitting yours.

Screen 1


Screen 2


Screen 3


Screen 4


Screen 5


Screen 6




a) It’s good training for creating micro reads.
b) I want to test something.

were all the posts written by town/scum or are they all written by one person

Each post is taken from other game, writen by different person.

can like

all 6 be scum or town

or is it like 3 and 3

You know nothing about balance of scum/town among those quotes.

Just try to read 6 random quotes.

im going to be bamboozled


Since you are here. Go do your guess too.

Screen 1


Screen 2


Screen 3


Screen 4


Screen 5


Screen 6


I’ll submit a guess I suppose.


But I guess you can say it after others submit theirs answers as well.

Answer 1


Answer 2


Answer 3


Answer 4


Answer 5


Answer 6


tfw you press enter too soon.

Pretty sure I seen these before

You did see those before, that’s right.

1 Like

gets them all wrong like a boss

I mean, trying to read people based on a single post rarely works out well for me, and I’m probably wrong on a bunch of these, but:

Arete's guesses

#1: I’d normally read this as town-ish but the fact that it’s on a post specifically about scumhunting makes me less sure. It’s mechanical talk with no real analysis … scumlean? But only very slightly

#2: While hesitation and uncertainty can come from either scum or town, this feels more like scum uncertainty due to the softdefense of another player without wanting to fully come to their defense or admit to defending them; if this flipped scum, I’d look into the player being defended.

#3: Scum, this is either TMI about 2/3 being town or a very unsuccessful attempt at powerwolfing and redirecting the lynch away from 2/3.

#4: This feels really towny to me even though it’s not so analysis-y, it feels like a genuine attempt to further discussion

#5: Town. It’s not just ‘trying to look town by talking a lot about how to read new players,’ it’s also providing what seems like pretty good analysis on the player in question?

#6: This almost feels TWTBAW with the ‘I’m not going to explain my action except by saying that I think someone is scummy,’ the only question here is whether I’m getting tripped up by some sort of complicated trick question. I’m going to go with my gut and call it a scummy post?

I haven’t read any of the subsequent posts, so if there’s important information there I don’t have it.

Imma do it too


Screen 1:

Eh. What pinged me is he said “What I can see here is a lot of abilities being used Night 0.”

And he’s rolefishing

Without context is looks scummy, I don’t know what these actions did, but yea

Screen 2:

I dont know why just town

Screen 3:
muy scum

feels like TMI. Doesn’t elaborate on why he thinks they’re both town, just makes the read easily.

Screen 4:

seems like they’re going for an easy inactive mislynch

Screen 5:

The amount of analysis they did and the progression seems towny

Screen 6:
I’d say town tbh this is a toughie

So from the looks of it he has a some sort of silencer role but from this post it seems he did admit it.

I’d say this is towny