[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

Again, I’m still skeptical of you. The fact that you are strongly scumreading me while at the same time not evaluating my interactions with Marshall pinged me pretty hard.

No one said I was a policy kill? I must be blind then.

…I said that you feel like a policy lynch because of your inactivity. You’re not one ATP if you keep on playing.

well who would you want to blow up if you had anyones detonator and who would you want blow up proof

It’s neither.

I’m actually thinking Wazza is town here.


Can you link me your last two town and scum games?

If you don’t want to be seen as a policy kill, then don’t play like a policy kill and start reading and talking.

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  • BlueStorm>KyoDaz Null and maybe town at some point

Some found this slimy, but I just see it as an experienced player who has played this game before and gives insight based on that.

More talking about past games. I see this as more null.

  • KyoDaz>Solic ** mixed feelings, leaning town.

Erm i kinda get it, but not really. I think they don’t realize that this logic doesnt work because the town members would bomb the mafia, which would likely be expalined in scumchat,

smart, calm, clear mind.

aaaand then kinda contradicts it.


TO conclude. mixed feelings, leaning town.

Sorry I lost service for a second

I’ve barely been scum and the last two town games I left them/replaced out or died early.

Do you want the ones where I survived or lived pretty long?

I don’t have to spell everything out in thread to be thinking things, but I guess you can’t know that however I think both Marshal and Arete have had a very scummy period in their posts and you defended both of them quite readily. I don’t think you’re all scum together, because I don’t think you’d make a play to save both of them.

I don’t heavily scumread you, I scumread you by assocation preflip which is well not the same. :smiley:

I don’t like that Arete is liking my posts, but not posting. :eyes:


No, I want the most recent ones.

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Black flag nightless comes to mind.

They are acting different here then there

I’m currently eating breakfast, I’ll be back in a few minutes with hopefully some actual content.

(‘but Arete, it’s almost 3 in the afternoon’ yes well I am very bad at things)

Replaced out.
Replaced out.
Won the game.

What in particular are you seeing that’s different?

In this game, in the dead chat people were shocked to hear that I was scum.

activity, actually ISOing and scumreading.

less memeing.

I usually bus and distance a hell lot, tbh. Dunno why people keep scumreading me for defending players that they scumread.

Self-meta, but yeah lol.


Would probs like more from them as well. ATP they seem kind of frozen.