[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

Ill get yelled at

/Vote SDA Explain why I am Lock Town.

I talked with the host about it they asked me not to talk about it.

How can not explaining your reads on me be gamethrowey? That seemsā€¦ very suspicious.

From what they said I donā€™t think they would mod kill me, but they still told me not to talk about it.

Im going to drop this now please

Are you reading me as town because of my activity? My posts? Or what? I think youā€™re trying to pocket me but quickly realizing that I push on people who town read me just as much as people who donā€™t

this post here

Are you meta reading me based on that post about me giving up whenever Iā€™m caught? The only frames of reference you have are Town only games.

thats about the most I can give ya

I think we should stop pushing Derps on this particular detail, I think I see what theyā€™re saying and I really really donā€™t want to cause rulebreaking behavior to occur.


I really donā€™t see how saying why you read someone the way you did is rulebreaking, unless they are angleshooting, which means theyā€™ve already admitted to breaking the rules. In any case, after the game do tell me what the reason was for you to not give a reason.

Sulit and Kyo are both watching. What are your reads on my reads?

Yo Jake, may I ask why you suddenly jumped into the Marshal/Me thing?

Sorry, can you clarify the question? Are you asking what I think about the reads that you in particular have made? If so, can you link me to the ones you want to evaluate?

Because I read the thread chronologically

It was more directed at them as to what they think about my reads.

Oh, that makes sense. It showed up as a reply to my comment, so I got confused. I think I need to get more sleep :upside_down_face:

Well, I would also like other opinions about my reads.

Can you link me to the posts you want me to look at?