[FM] Short Fuse IV - Game Over - Town wins

How the hell am I pretending you’re a four-year-old?

No harm in it if hes scum and only beneficial if hes town

No big words and simple sentences. Maybe some train metaphors.

I’ve done nothing because I have nothing I can do, especially not anymore.

My highest scumread became a townread for me and that just kills you.

What if…

We have jake det arete

Alice det hippo

Sulit det wazza

That would leave me, jake, Alice, and sulit.

At which point Alice could det jake

And sulit could det me

Leaving Alice and sulit

Then Alice dets sulit

Leaving Alice as the sole survivor

This is the preferred plan of mine.

If it’s just me and Alice left and Alice is scum we’ve already lost

It’s a risky ish plan

But it makes it so that
If Alice is town it’s a lock win

I still think the Marshal plan is the best one, I think you wait for Alice to get online to double-check it (because I pretty much trust her to find any obvious holes in the plan), then pick the most consensus townie (which probably shouldn’t be Alice, since Alice is strong enough to fake Consensus Townie - I’d go Sulit, then Marshal if not Sulit, then Alice if you can’t agree on either of the two of them). It’s important that no one places a vote on a living player during that time, because otherwise well-positioned scum could potentially detonate and get someone voted out at the same time. This plan should be timed after all the detonators reset, but before we get close to EoD. Ideally we should make sure everyone’s seen the thread so they know they need to be online.

If you decide not to go with that plan … then I guess just go with a general detonate-scummy-people plan? Note that order matters here, and scummy people holding scummy detonators should be given a chance to make use of those to prevent a scenario where there’s someone going around being scummy and you can’t do anything about it because the person with their detonator already used it.

Jake should never be allowed to endgame here, his Iso is scummy enough that he really shouldn’t be able to ride the fact that he detonated a Mafia to a victory. I’m half-wondering if that was the plan all along.

I think if we have Alice det hippo, sulit det wazza, and vote out arete, its-a win right there

@sulit you can go ahead and hammer, I think I’ve said everything I need to say and at this point you might as well flip me so that you all can get on with the gamesolving thing.

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Self hammer if you want to die


/vote arete

I have to go should I vote or not

Weren’t you already on me?


I was trying to catch arete self hammer, but failed.

Let’s just do this

/vote Arete

Sulit, just vote me. I basically don’t see a way we can lose.