Yeah, Derps says the same about you.

Instead of complaining, is it that hard to say you need my eyes because yours canā€™t see it?

And Well Ah!

Now no more seeing from your mouth.
Donā€™t use your mouth for everything now.



As promised.

I want same thing from you.
Give your thoughts between me and DatBird.

Like I can tell you right now as soon as I realized DatBird and Arete were in my group. (The strongest players here)
I know finding the scum within them is hard.
So Iā€™m going to consistently pressure them.
Gonna see if I can make them scum slip or what I believe is considered scum slip.
If that doesnā€™t happen Iā€™ll vote the person that I feel has the highest chance to be scum based on what Iā€™ve seen.

However as I said before.
Derps is Town.
However I did a bit of miscalculation.
Technically Arete/DatBird can be with both Gorta/GGhana
Itā€™s just that the pairing Arete/GGhana and DatBird/Gorta is more likely.

right now Iā€™m leaning towards thinking Dat is the wolf in the two of you

the obvious reason is that meta-wise youā€™ve been acting like Normal Surge, which makes me think youā€™re probably just town

also, I havenā€™t really liked how Datā€™s responded to pressure. rather than keep trying to solve, heā€™s just been ATEing and complaining about being scumread, and heā€™s barely given actual reads at all. the extent to which heā€™s just complaining about the game without actually ā€¦ doing anything ā€¦ feels kind of performative ā€“ like earlier he was complaining about having no one to talk to, and then I showed up and tried to talk to him to try to solve his slot, and he said like one thing and vanished. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m explaining this well?

youā€™re probably going to say something about how thatā€™s a playstyle thing and I should be tonereading people instead like you do but this reading style works for me and tonereading really doesnā€™t, so.

Instead of being a pretentious jerk who thinks they are better than everyone, is it that hard to say you need to learn to talk to people

Do I?
I know my communication skills arenā€™t great but I was baiting you and you keep getting worse and worse.
Honestly Iā€™m thinking maybe I Tunnel Bird and you Tunnel Gorta?
I think thatā€™s probably the team here.

Like DatBird originally sounded Genuine but his react to pressure so far is bad, I agree Arete.

Like we can talk shop if u want, im just not in the best headspace, todays sucked. Ill give it my best tomorrow, we have 48 hours we are gonna use it. I just am having a hard time between irl and this game just not clicking in my brain.

cool Iā€™m in a bad mood, and u made it worse. CONGRATS

And he gives me flashbacks of Wazza.
Wazza as Scum usually brings that up but as Town he doesnā€™t just jump to personal whiplash.

like sure i been a dick as well and I apologize. I really will take a break from thread for the night. Just cant control my emotions atm

Well then come back when your not in a bad mood.
When you do I need you to talk about Gorta and only Gorta and if Gorta is online, interact with them.

I appreciate it.

Ez win

Tomorrow I will either call in sick (if I feel terrible) or be back by 5 to make reads (I got caught up in playing games with friends)

Thread dead letā€™s hammer

The hell are you on about?

Threads dead hammer scum end game