Well how bout the other content. I @ed u in there for a reason

:man_shrugging: guess thatā€™s all that post was.

Yeah basically

Derps, Iā€™m asking nicely. Can u please answer what I @ed u for.

On a side note.This thread state sucks. No one wants to try . And I feel like the lynches were decided yesterday and they arent going to change

I gotta go back to work in a min

Great. That really just brings progress even more to a standstill

You were just pushing they trying To get derp cleared and it was kinda bad

Why is that bad though. It felt fake to me

Anyways Iā€™m pretty sure arete agrees with me so I donā€™t need to make a giant case on you if people agree

But Aretes wrong. And thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to change yā€™alls opinions but itā€™s like talking to brick wall

I think Iā€™m right tho

Also whoā€™s scum arete or surge

Anyways I go now ttyl

Cause u both read that whole post and pinpoint on one thing where Iā€™m unsure about one player. And instead of looking at it as a whole I get hedgy wallpost. No analysis of the other content. Just bland haha dat does this as scum comments

I feel if I had to pick and which Iā€™m gonna have to vote sometime tonight is prob arete

Cause like surge I dont think surge is scum in any world here. He cant fake that. Sure he can look scummy as town but he hasnt been able to replicate his town style as sucm of my knowledge. I just always think Arete is scum here. Unless somehow seth went gigabrain and solved all of his problems this game

Like thatā€™s the easy solve but I want to make sure I feel right on that. Thatā€™s why I plan to use this time (now that I have it) so once Arete drops whatever they dropping I can analyze it and see if it makes sense. Like Iā€™m not giving up without a fight and I yall see that

I feel like the only thing resembling a really developed read in the post is Datā€™s read on GGhana, like, he doesnā€™t really have very in-depth thoughts on anyone else, just a bunch of talk about GGhana

some of his points also donā€™t really make sense? like I disagree with his interpretation of GGhanaā€™s opener but I see how someone could still have read something like that, but others really donā€™t make sense

like this one, it doesnā€™t really make sense to say that someone is UTR when they ā€¦ literally have the second most posts in the thread? this feels fake

to clarify this:

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s >rand V to be confused about how the set-up worked, thatā€™s obviously dumb, Iā€™m saying that if he was trying to fake a townslip and just pretending not to know how the set-up worked then he wouldnā€™t have like ten posts talking about how you shouldnā€™t clear him for it, like, that doesnā€™t make sense as an approach

the question marks are because I was confused about how anyone thought that the game was being played in two different threads, particularly with you and me there and posting, but apparently Surge also says he thought that :upside_down_face:

itā€™s basically the only thing you talk about

it doesnā€™t really feel like youā€™re trying to solve other slots except as an afterthought

if I look at Datā€™s actual theoretical reads

his read on me is super hedgy, like, I donā€™t think he takes a single coherent stance in that entire paragraph

his read on me also kind of makes me feel like he has TMI and is having a hard time making a read on me when he knows Iā€™m going to flip town, like, if he were really a villager with a confident read on Surge (whether that read is right or wrong, even!) it should be easy for him to make a read on me, but heā€™s not doing that, heā€™s being like ā€˜oh theyā€™d be a townlean except for Surge, but maybe theyā€™re a scumlean, or not, Iā€™m not really sureā€™ which makes me think that heā€™s worried that if he gets me yeeted itā€™ll make him look bad

also not really a fan of how he didnā€™t really make a read on Surge until after I made a read on him, it felt like he was trying to feel me out to see if Iā€™d be willing to vote Surge

looking at his group B reads, Iā€™m kind of underwhelmed, I already talked about why I donā€™t think some of his points makes sense but all these reads are also kind of shallow, itā€™s basically ā€˜Derps is town because heā€™s invested, Gorta is scum because heā€™s done nothing, GGhana is scum because he thought each group got a separate threadā€™ without much thought (e.g. heā€™s not really considering whether being invested is town-AI for Derps)

with the Gorta read in particular itā€™s kind of weird how he calls out my case on Gorta as being a good point despite in theory not townreading me, like, if he really thinks Iā€™m the wolf in the trio then why would he sheep my read on Gorta?

am I wrong or am I a wolf, Dat?

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Iā€™m not sure what u mean by this, I dont think theres a world where anyone is gonna fight u that this isnt town seth.

Sure in that world the simple answer is vote Arete I just want to use all of my time. Cause honestly I dont think ur content has been bad.

I think the correct answer is ur a wolf. I do. Iā€™m just worried Iā€™m wrong somehow. Like I get it HEDGE idgaf. Iā€™m not confident. I just ainā€™t. I been easily manipulated in the past by them anime FM I litterally was in a neighborhood with them and scum. Iā€™m not good at this game. This whole wall post doesnt make me feel any better about it either. Cause it doesnt feel like ur going in to look at both sides ur just scum casing similiar to how mole handled it in whatever that recent game was. I feel really bad if Iā€™m wrong and Iā€™m somehow not the lynch but I think Arete scum world is the only world we live in atm.

/vote Arete @katze @Chloe