I’m not sure its 100 posts in and my gut isnt flying one way or another atm

You don’t have any kind of read on arete?

If u read my posts u would know. But u dont seem to be doing that

So you’re waiting for surge to show up to decide who to scumread then?

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i mean considering their first few posts weren’t that full of content, mostly just mechanical stuff, then they said “gghana town” and then dipped

It’s currently a null

Anyways, I have to go. I think this has been interesting start of day 1. I’m sure it will be useful later on.

No read my posts. I said a lot of shit Aretes done atm is not AI and mainly icebreakers. Surge is gonna be a hella lot easier to read sure. Surge is either town in his first 20 or scum. Check like any game on this site except that one he replaced out

So why don’t you try to read arete before surge shows up while you’re here

Arete has more than enough content for a gutread.

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Derps then u give one. Not every gut works the same


Ok and why. U cant just say gut. Point to posts

It’s not my job to read arete their not in my group I’m asking you to read arete.

It’s on person who made the read to explain them not someone else
U may have gotten bamboozled to have urself go first, but even than that’s wrong. I have given my read. U just dont read

You haven’t given your read

All you said was nah I can’t read them atm and we both know that isn’t true

DERPS fucking read my iso


then u dont deserve to know, cause guess what I have stated it. And u just dont give a shit

This is why playing with u is just terrible. U either dont give a shit and post, or dont give a shit and dont post